Do People Just LIKE You?

by snowbird 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    Do People Just LIKE You?

    What do you know about people just like me? Do people just like me what?

    I find that wherever I go, people just gravitate toward me.

    So are you a large body with things orbiting you?

    Is that your case?

    Is it monogrammed?

    People say I am irritating and talk stupid. I have no idea what they are talking about, but that's true of most things I hear.

  • truthseekeriam

    People like me too much my husband says...

    It seams every new friend I make likes to pretty much take me over. I goes from me going over to sit in the hot tub for a couple of hours to a everyday phone call to hit the movies or come over for coffee or I need someone to talk to...

    I've had to really learn to say no with a smile on my face because after all, I'm a family woman and my favorite things to do is spending my time at home with the hubby and kids playing games BBQing are watching movies.

    I guess I don't like people that much

  • moshe

    They say, clothes make the man, so silk PJs and a satin robe must be the secret of being popular with the ladies- or did I miss something?


  • The Finger
  • mindmelda

    Yes, and when I was still a Witness, it bothered me because I felt I was doing something wrong by attracting "worldly" people.

    I think a real turning point for me was my counselor (who I was seeing for anxiety) asked me to please quit apologizing for a very positive trait, that of making other people feel comfortable and at ease.

    He never attacked the Witnesses directly, but I remember him saying that made wonder what kind of religion or thinking has been planted in your head that makes you feel apologetic for what is actually a natural gift?

    People usually talk to me fairly easily and feel comfortable with me very quickly. I guess it's just a trait some of us have.

    However, some people find my extroversion a bit annoying...they're usually introverted analytical types who think I'm a flake, because they associate being intelligent with being serious and reserved.

    I'm not particularly serious or reserved. I'm not loud, particularly, but I usually find humor in a good many things and am not shy about commenting on it. I'm kind of a smart ass, I guess.

    When they were handing out shyness, I forgot to get in line. I'm just not.

  • Mythbuster

    Jesus loves me. Everyone else thinks I'm an *sshole.

  • gubberningbody

    I generally get along better with women, than men. Men are a rather unimaginative and sensitive lot.

  • zeroday*

    My last JW congo I was in for 6 years in all that time half the congo didn't even know my I guess I would say no...

  • snowbird
    do you notice more connection w/people you not only have/share the same interests with but the same social-ECONOMIC status as well.

    No, to your question, and welcome.

    Thanks for joining in the discussion.

    I'm as poor as Job's turkey hen, have no status whatsoever, yet there are people who think I'm the salt of the earth.


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