What Perplexes You About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • GLTirebiter

    Gullibility tops my list. Not just about the WT doctrines, but also getting involved in every conceivable MLM scam and all the medical quackery known to mankind. Watching infomercials, and actually believing the "look what else you get!" stuff is a free gift. Witnesses seem to be victimes of con men of every sort.

  • Confuzzled

    How they can be completely and totally rational about certain things, but when it comes to the WTS they refuse to question it. Like, if you handed them documents about the WTS with all words pretaining to the cult blacked out, they would see it for what is really criminal, racketeering, and extorting people for the gains of a multimillion dollar publishing company, but at long as they know they are talking about the WTS, they are completely irrational.

  • make yourself
    make yourself

    how they can not see that a religion that constantly changes teachings proves its not from god, i utterly despise the saying "new light". And that if you go back and read articles from like 40 years ago your commiting apostacy

  • mann377

    Ahhh.....the joys of a cult! Wake up.....cults are not about religion. There about belonging, being accepted, having answers (no matter how misplaced they are). These are all requirements for a person to have some form of balance and fill a need. Once that need is fulfilled it is tough to pull it away from someone. Unfortunately you have to sell your soul to the cult to recieve this from a cult. Notice I did not mention freedom.

  • thetrueone

    Witnesses seem to be victims of con men of every sort.

    Totally agree with that, I knew many JWS to very naive and gullible to just about anything that was sold to them.

    Unfortunately for myself my mother had severe case of this and she was the one that first got interested by

    that little old lady who called at her door with a Watchtower magazine in her hand.

    She was taken over by this publishing house (WTS) for all of her adult life right to her death in a hospital

    when she refuse a blood transfusion and died.

    The Watchtower sales pitch catchs many who are unaware whats been thrown at them........until its too late.

  • minimus

    What perplexes me is how many of us were "cultists".

  • mindmelda

    Nearly everything, including the stupid name. I never did feel comfortable with the lame ass explanation of how Jehovah's Witnesses was a better name than just plain old "Christian" although, they're not Christian, anyway, which is another perplexing thing...how do you define yourselves as "the only true Christians" when you relegate Christ to somewhere below dogcatcher in your religion?

    Ack, nothing about it makes sense, makes my eventual aneurysm throb just to think about all the stupid in it.

  • thetrueone

    How the hell can anyone cry wolf as many times as the Witnesses have without huge repercussions afterward? I don't get it.

    Its a cult made up of fear, it is known in human psychology that where fear permeates a select teaching ignorance becomes staid and complacent.

    A faith that at once sounded so inviting full of promise becomes well I'm in to it for this long I better stay

    and reap what rewards I can get. The reason the WTS. can bullshit and spin doctrines to their hearts content is they first managed

    to control peoples minds with fear and provocation, negating any analytical thought on whats been spoon fed into them.

    They build up such a amount of fear that keeps that it overcomes people's own conscience and perhaps intellect.

    Information thats given out to people with fear attached to it , sticks and invalidates any type of forbearing scrutiny.

    Thats why many JWS just coming out or trying to fade themselves away from this cult still believe in wicked evil spirits,

    the impending Armageddon, they are still in a state conscientious fear that been instilled by the WTS. to control its masses.

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