Hey, I'm trying to figure out how the WTS concluded that the children of Isreal were cast off. It's hard to explain to people who beleive that this org came from God is true, when in fact it has teachings that can get people killed if I'm understanding correctly. It is hard to get them to understand that teaching this is fufilling a prophecy that proves that the org is part of false religion.
There are so many verses that obviously prove this to be a lie and explain WHY it is a lie.
Luke 4:18
Matthew 10: 5-12
Isaiah 11:11
Levitcus 26:44, 45
Isaiah 49: 14, 15
Romans 11: 1, 2
Romans 11: 25, 26
John 4: 22
Now I know all organizations that are religious says that outside their religion everything is satan. However, when most of the world religions say your race doesn't matter at all, is this really true? According to the Bible, God uses race to organize man, but he does not show favor in terms of who is obedient and who is disobiedient, punishment and reward are the same for all.
The organization taught that the decendants of the children of Isreal that they would turn white in paradise at a time, they also segregated agaisnt them. There is also hidden hate for them I'm sure. They make up a majority of the religion and its all a lie. However, God uses Isrealites to teach the word, they are his children so he will not go to one he does not know and give them the right to teach. All the teachers of God's word were Isreal, Jesus told his followers to go to Isreal FIRST! He told them this because they needed to wake up to realize who they are to preach the word to the Gentiles (Europeans).
Because of slavery we have been brainwashed into believing the lies that the slave masters taught us, but a lot of us are starting to wake up. This org says that salvation can only be found in his org. This is true! But what is his org? The JUDEANS! Salvation is found in a scattered nation or race NOT found in a religous org! If Satan gets everyone to belive that race doesn't matter, then everyone loses. I don't understand how you can claim that salvation is from the org when the Bible says that it's not.