I just had to see what your "catch" was!
Some faders at this very moment are contemplating how to get out of going to the convention, but they just can't figure out how to do that and still stay in good graces with mommy and daddy. Of course, they will be miserable during those 3 days ( I think they are only 3 days- down from 7 when I was a JW), but they can receive some comfort from the scriptures, "you shall reap what you sow". Being miserable during the fade is a small price to pay for their sin. Everyone else who publicly admitted the WT was a cult and got out has already done their penance, so go ahead and play golf, go fishing or shopping at the mall, dancing at the club, etc. Life is great on the outside. It's ironic, but it wouldn't surprise me, if 10% of the JW's at the convention don't want to be there!