My friend had sex while he was an unbaptised publisher.Now he is baptised but he never told the elders.Is he still considered a sinner,not accepted by Jehovah?
I have a question
by XPeterX 11 Replies latest jw friends
Psychotic Parrot
Jehovah isn't real. As for the the elders, they can't do anything if he keeps his mouth shut. If he caves in & admits, they'll probably just read him a few scriptures & tell him not to answer up for a month.
Black Sheep
Tell him to download the Elders' manual from WikiLeaks and read the rules for himself
not a captive
Here's the problem as I see it--I may think he belongs to God but he sold himself to the JW rule book. Like Black Sheep said-- go read the rule book.
*** w64 2/15 p. 126 Did You Make an Acceptable Dedication to God? ***However, it is a different matter when a person was committing serious wrongdoing at the time of his “dedication” and baptism and even thereafter. If one was habitually sinning, practicing a grievous wrong during this time, even though ceasing from it some time after his baptism and making advancement in the service of Jehovah, he was in an unclean state before God at the time of his baptism. Such a baptism, since it did not follow a true dedication, would be invalid. If such a person has now forsaken that practice of sin, repented and made a sincere dedication of himself to Jehovah God, he should be rebaptized.
Therefore, if any individual who wants to be a baptized Christian is living a life that, if he were already dedicated, would result in his being cut off or disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation, he is not ready for baptism. First he must clean up his life in harmony with God’s righteous requirements before presenting himself to the Most High for dedication and baptism.—1 Cor. 6:9-11.
I could not find this specific point in the elders manual, that is, what happens if an unbaptized publisher commits a sin they could be df'd for (but only they know) and then they get baptized. While the above is "old" I would think that the baptism would not be considered valid. I'd be interested in the pages that concern this would also be posted. Thanks.
Straightening up, Jesus said to her:
“Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?”
She said: “No one, sir.”
Jesus said: “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way; from now on practice sin no more.”
(John 8:10, 11)
betterdaze Well said
Is he still considered a sinner,not accepted by Jehovah?
If Jehovah is a God that's all knowing and all powerful and worthy of "worship" he should be able to figure out on his own who is "acceptable" and who isn't. He doesn't need to rely on the watchtower's stupid little elders to decide this for him. Tell the elders nothing.
I suggest you remind him the following
*** w77 11/15 p. 693 par. 1 Genuine Repentance—How Is It Identified? ***
ELDERS are not ‘father confessors’ who have been authorized to forgive all the sins that members of the congregation may commit. It is Jehovah God who forgives the sins of repentant ones, doing so on the basis of his Son’s atoning sacrifice. Therefore, a person’s being forgiven by Jehovah is not dependent upon his confessing his sins to the elders.
Yknot I read that.thanx gonna tell him