There was a scare in the time leading up to 1975 which lead many jws in my area to get married enmasse.
Up until 1969 this was the marital vow the WTS said should be used. Even after that many jws in my area weren't sure if it wouldn't change back and that there would be no marriage for anyone in the "new system."
*** w52 6/15 p. 363 The Marriage Ceremony ***The minister will then ask the man to repeat after him:
“I, ________, take you, ________, to be my wedded wife, to love and to cherish in accordance with the divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian husbands, for as long as we both shall live or until the divine termination of the marital arrangement.”
Here is another statement that is quite interesting. I always wondered what would happen after the final test at the end of the 1,000 year reign, if people had children because they had not been tested.
*** w54 9/15 p. 575 Questions From Readers ***After that final test there will definitely be no marrying or being given in marriage then by those counted worthy of the new world and having the right to eternal life, just as angels have that right.