Had an argument about this.I say no because many have done some really nasty things.It may tend to be 'clean' but I think it's NOT.What do you think?
Is the jw congregation 'clean' today?
by XPeterX 15 Replies latest social entertainment
The Congo must be clean.... God this sounds so OCD.
Broken Promises
It’s as clean as a toilet bowl.
little witch
It seems to me that a "clean congregation" needs no spiritual guidance at all. I mean, if everyone is "clean", who needs God?
not a captive
White washed sepulchres
If people gather together in Jesus' name and each pursue an open loving and honest relationship with God and each other, then it would be as clean as this forum. I'm not kidding. I imagine it would be very much like this board, imo. Is this clean in WTS opinion?
We're here and they are there.
As I mentioned on another thread, I was pretty tight with the younger more rebellious teenagers/young adults during the time of my fade, simply because they never mentioned JW stuff. They knew of all kinds of stuff going on.
And from my thread a few weeks ago, as to whether as a JW you told the elders about wrongdoing, most everybody didn't ever tell anything.
So to answer your question, from what I've seen and heard - I don't buy into the "cleanness" of the congregations. I think there is more wrongdoing going on now than ever - and fewer than ever are reporting it.
What always tickled me is when the elders would get up and give talks and say "if you don't report wrongdoing, then it will continue going on in the congregation and Jehovah's spirit will leave the congregation and the congregation will not prosper". I never believed that even as a JW. How could somebody in the hall be out fornicating - and I know nothing about it - and because of that I lose Jehovah's spirit? Never made sense to me.
little witch
It doesn't make sense to me either hon. Never did. To be judgemental and tattle on others makes us judges and not focused on our own relationship with god, also it cheapens the power of god. In ohter words, god needs human beings to rat out each other because he cant deal with individual hearts.
What sense does that make?
How can jw's believe this nonsense?
They have to DF thousands every year, says it all.
I know a percentage will be our fellow 'postates, but as the post above shows, this is just the tip of the iceburg, they still have active paedophiles , adulterers, liars, thieves, many a drunkard etc. etc. in their midst, not clean, not a spiritual, or any kind of paradise.
But my B.I.L told me it is still the best way of life. Bollocks.
Its like the movie Big Daddy where every time there was a mess or a spill they just covered it up with newspaper.
Peer into any Christian based faiths and you'll see unclean wicked people there.
The JWs have persistently said their religion stands head and shoulders above the others out there.
Regarding pedophiles, doctrinal flip flops, corruption from the leaders themselves etc. etc.
We disfellowship wrong doers unlike the other churches, that way we keep the congregation clean, pure and wholesomely righteous.
Why do they proclaim this ? because true and solemn spirituality is nothing but a self empowering marketing tool.
And when your really a publishing house you've got support yourself with some kind of marketing gimmick,
to catch the publics attention. Pure and clean ...oh absolutely