Don't you think that we humans can reasonably ignore any proof that God could present?
Well that's not what you said. You first mentioned God revealing him/herself and then talked about evidence all around us. Those are two different things. If by evidence you mean "stuff is here", then there are much more rational explanations that fit the evidence.
If you are talking about god revealing himself in the sky speaking to every person on the planet with a host of angels at his side, well, that's something different.
Jesus didn't even do "signs" for ones who asked for those proofs at Mt. 16:4 because he knew it was pointless.
He did signs all the time, just not on command.
At John 12:29 There was a loud voice from heaven or else it was a thunderclap--people disagreed who stood next to each other and heard it.
Is there any reason to beleive it wasn't just thunder?
But I think we are in a Catch 22 if we expect other people to make a lesson plan to prove God to us through logic.
No, a catch-22 is a situation where the very action you have to take to resolve a situation will also un-resolve it. In the book, Catch-22 (from which the phrase was taken), pilots could only get out of flying missions if they were mentally unfit. The only way to prove you were mentally unfit was to tell someone, however, KNOWING that you were mentally unfit was proof that you were faking it and weren't really mentally unfit.
This is more of a situation where there is no way to do what you are talking about. It's just can't be done if you stick to logic and science.