Please spread the word to boycott BP.
Boycott BP - citizens
Please forward to your friends and let's stand united against this misfit company.
Boycott BP
by avatar 12 Replies latest jw friends
little witch
By using boycott as a manuver I assume you don't drive a car, use electricity, use vaseline on your babies butts, etcs?
How devoted are you to this cause in reality?
Are you sure of your morals and methods?
Just wondering
It does no good. Oil is oil. Rebrand it, and it is still oil.
While we are at it, let's boycott Citgo, which props up an opressive regime in my wife's native country.
While we are at it, let's boycott all Middle Eastern oil from totalitarian theocracies.
While we are at it, let's boycott Russian oil. They are pretty nasty too.
Where do you draw the line?
On the evilness scale, BP is small potatoes.
Maybe BP had no contingency plan, but neither did the US government.
We pay people to pump out our cesspools. Deal with our sewage and garbage.
Process our shit.
Oil production is filthy, dangerous, risky work. It is also necessary. That is the reality of the situation.
Skip the boycott it won't work.
Tax them
take away tax incentives
Take away their ability to operate in market until they become a little more proactive on safety.
Environmental loss is preventable, loss of human lives to save money is unacceptable.
I say fine them $100'000 million per life lost on that oil rig
and after that let the EPA turn BP into it's cash cow
In Alaska BP has been careless environmentally, but I don't think they have killed any body
I'm sure that Toyota is quite pleased with the oil spill. The media is now focused on BP instead of toyota's safety issues.
After the BP mess is resolved, there will soon be some other issue for the angry mob to chase after with pitchforks.
I would suggest it would be better to write those who represent you in Congress...or use e-mail...or call them.
The media is now focused on BP instead of toyota's safety issues.
Toyota's "safety issues" are alarmist nonsense. Their accelerator pedal system is thoroughly safe.
When did I say that toyota has real world safety issue's with their accelerator control system?
My point is very simple. The angry mob has moved on from one issue to another and I'm betting that Toyota loves it as it gets the spotlight off of their back and gives them time to regroup and rebuild their image.