Don't know what to say...Most Jw's I asked looked down and said in a bit silent voice that they don't know or that it doesn't depend on them.Another jw said that if "I die in Armageddon so be it."What do you believe?
How can someone be sure that he will survive in Armageddon?
by XPeterX 23 Replies latest jw friends
Nope. That's why they stress the word "probably".
The real question in my opinion is "How can a person be sure that Armageddon is coming?"
mentallyfree31 what you said is another whole topic.
Armageddon is a place...see use in context. Read some objective information about Revelation, the writing etc.
That took the power out of the book and its contents for me. When it loses the power, you lose the fear of it.
Make sure you have a good retirement plan. Armageddon ain't coming any time soon.
I think for many of us "Armageddon Readiness' mode is like switching on and off a light!
In fact I will boldly state that it never crossed my mind that I wouldn't survive, I was 'trained-up' to survive, Jehovah provided this timely and wise training to many of us through the Slave and his Organization but not all.
Growing up I heard many JWs say they would prefer to die right before and merely wake up in the NewSystem.....
Now days of course I accept the odds of seeing the 'awe inspiring day of Jehovah' is pretty damn slim..... and my survival is really of little consequence to my belief system. As much as I would love there to be a resurrection in said millennial reign the scriptures do not support such a claim.
Armageddon's New Date is 2154 (between Oct 1 -Dec 31) at which time if science permits I will be about or recently celebrating my 181st B-day!
There's no such thing as Armageddon.
By JW teaching, no one could/would be guaranteed. Then, if by chance you did survive,,you would still have to live the next 1,000 years cleaning up the earth, with no guarantee, that you would be even more so tested and still could possibly be detroyed then. (Where is that printed? or was it only in talks?)
Black Sheep
If the holy book you based you question on isn't the infallible word of God, then the question is pointless.
If you were born to a Muslem, a Hindu or a Jew, would you be asking a different version of the same question with the same sincerity?
When I realised that the WT wasn't selected by Jesus, it took a while for me to work out that I couldn't trust anything from my past. I had to start from zero, deliberately disregarding all preconceived notions. It's not easy, but it is worth it. I wish I had done that at 19 instead of leaving it until I was 52.