To keep every JW on the same page about the new light on extending the generation to mammoth's lengths of time the GB will no doubt be squashing any open criticism,, even the old cronies at bethel will looking differently at the GB when that starts happening. Even the most hardcore believer will be looking at the Governing Body in a "New Light"
Will The Governing Body Enforce the New Generation Understanding and Muzzle Open Criticism Among the Rank and File?
by frankiespeakin 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Looking at their recent activity the GB is being set up similar to the Pope or Mormon Prophet...... except they prefer being called 'Responsible Representatives of the Slave Class'
Also consider they have laid off many old-time Bethelites (no doubt many professed anointing compared to newboys)
Made it clear that some anointed are no wiser than R&F publishers and follow the GB direction in the same manner
Yep we are headed for an all chips game, you are either 'in' or 'out'....
That said most JWs are alseep in their personal dedication, they follow but really don't have a clue beyond the propaganda....
In short... we have become the "Irish"
*** w58 8/1 p. 460 Dawns a New Era for the Irish ***
Fear has a great hold on the people. People are afraid of what their neighbors, their friends, relatives and clergy might think if they were even so much as to read the Bible on their own. For centuries the clergy have dominated their lives, told them what they can read, what they should believe and do. To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in God and the church, according to the clergy. As a result, the Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear; but freedom is in sight.
re-written for JWs.
Fear has a great hold on the people. People are afraid of what their neighbors, their friends, relatives and Elders might think if they were even so much as to read the Bible on their own. For over a century the WTS leadership have dominated their lives, told them what they can read, what they should believe and do. To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in Jehovah God and his Organization, according to the WTS leadership. As a result, the JW people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the WTS and fear; but freedom is in sight.
Think About It
The WTS crack down on "Generation" change critics will be swift and brutal.
Think About It
Black Sheep
That's taken care of in that WT study. The pressure starts right now.
Here are the questions....
11. What shows that the holy spirit is a force for
cleanness among God’s people, and how can you
show that you are cooperating with the spirit?12. (a) According to Ezekiel’s vision, how does Jehovah
lead his organization? (b) How can you show
that you are working in harmony with the spirit?13, 14. (a) Who make up “this generation” mentioned
by Jesus? (b) Give an example showing that
the holy spirit is at work in bringing Bible truths to
light. (See the box “Are You Keeping Up With Increased
Light?”) -
It just doesn't seem to matter to hard core dubs if they have "new light" switching on and off like a living room lamp.
It has become absurd, but no matter, one must not question the GB...they get their info directly from God. They don't reason on how it can keep changing over and over.
"Are you keeping up with increased light?"
When I clicked onto my first apostate Web site (on purpose, no less), it was like the lights came on. Their matches cannot compare with the sun-like light generated from these apostate sites.
In the Catholic Faith they have the distinction between Dogma and Doctrine which allows them to make changes like the ones on Purgatory and Fish on Friday without to much of a ripple. The Society never learned that trick, they are 'all in' as they say in Poker, the voice of God position keeps them in trouble.
FRANKIESPEAKIN- Refer to my thread on this same Active Topics page or a page back on the new July 15th Witness only WT and you'll see the GB is enforcing a solidarity around this new Generation doctrine
The one thing that bothers me on this generation new light is the fact that we enlightened ex jw's who are uaually two steps ahead are missing this simple point.They are not by their new light extending to "mammoth lengths" or, and outlaw you surprise me "200 plus years". They clearly speak of two groups overlapping, not numerous overlaps and this is why they are both saving (in their minds) 1914 while still being able to say as they are that this new light still allows for armageddon being immenent. If you think I am blathering reread the letter, no. 48