Thanks for your concern. It seems that some other developments have come up. It is indeed the end for me as far as this religion is concerned. I'm not too worried about it since I've been away from the JW lifestyle for a while now. It seems my in-laws were responsible for turning me in, and the only reason I did not want to be formally DF'd or DA'd was so I could still associate with them. Now it seems as there is no longer any point in trying to keep association with them, since they have decided they don't want it.
The elders came by my house (uninvited) yet again to inform me that a committee was created and they wanted to know if I would like to attend. I told them I would think about it. They are waiting for a call from me now.
I've pondered it and I'm still not sure what I really want to do. Part of me just wants to blow it all off and let them do whatever they want - it won't affect me. Another part of me wants to attend the meeting and see what actual charge and evidence against me they have. It would be more for my entertainment, really, than to defend myself.
I do agree that being officially DF'd will allow me to be more free and it will make things easier, such as holiday and birthday celebrations if we choose to observe them in the future. And of course the book recommendations will go right back up after I'm DF'd! :)
I'm almost positive I will be DF'd by the end of this month, if not by the end of this week. I'll keep you guys updated if anything interesting happens.
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain