Why do you visit this site?

by exwhyzee 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • exwhyzee

    If being one of JW's is truly behind you, why do you visit this site years later to discuss the subject ? I know why I do but am curious why others do and how long it will continue. When will enough be enough?

  • beksbks
    I know why I do but am curious why others do and how long it will continue.


  • StAnn

    I visit this site to see what Beks is up to.


  • beksbks

  • transhuman68

    Seriously, this is the only place where I can discuss the big questions about life, without having someone trying to give me a beer or a Bible!

  • teel
    If being one of JW's is truly behind you, why do you visit this site years later to discuss the subject ?

    It's not behind us everyone, so I'm guessing the question wasn't directed at me. I just butted in this topic hoping someone will give me a beer.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I need to stay one step ahead of the enemy

  • IsaacJ22

    I kinda like Black Sheep's answer.

    I'm past being a JW in so far as I haven't been to a Kingdom Hall in years and they've stopped hounding me. I keep coming here (though I quit for a while) because I want to know what's going on with that side of my wife's life without actually having to talk to her about it. I don't want to tempt her to Witness at me or anything. Also, there's my in-laws who get on my nerves and the occasional confrontation with them or other JWs who think they need to straighten me out. (If you've ever been to my web site, you'll notice that I write about dealing with confrontations a lot. So that's on my mind.) I also learn things before my wife does about the Society, which is nifty, and get to have conversations with people who have a WT background in common with me.


  • Heaven

    My answer is similar to Black Sheep's. Since my Father is aging and his mind is no longer working properly, I need to know what's going on in the cult so I can counter it's negativism with him as much as I can. I have learned so much in the last 2 to 3 years. I have given him some important things to think about in our conversations. This is part of my Mental - To Learn need.

    I was absolutely shocked to learn they allow blood fractions now. When I was a kid it was strictly forbidden. Which always bugged me. And I am so glad they do because now I have a strategy in case my Dad ever needs blood.

    Also, it shows my Dad that I am informed about the WTS and JWs so he can't pull any wool over my eyes. I usually know things way before he does. This makes him think too. It says I've taken a look at things and have still decided not to be a JW. Hmmmm.... what does all that mean? It gives him a lot to think about.

    I also visit to contribute my experiences in the hope that it can help others. This is part of my Spirituality - To Leave A Legacy.

  • lisavegas420

    I come here because I've grown attached to some of the people, and because it's like a one stop shopping. I can find out all kinds of stuff (not just JW) about all kinds of things and people from all over the world.



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