Some Questions JW's Can't Answer:
1:) Why did the Apostle Thomas say that Jesus was his God? (John 20:28-29) And why did Jesus bless him for doing so?
2:) If Jehovah is Almighty God, and Jesus is Mighty God, how many Gods do you serve -- One or two?
3:) How did you arrive at the year 1914 for the establishment of Christ's Kingdom and the beginning of the "Last Days"?
4:) Why do you teach that Babylon destroyed Jerusalem in 607 BCE when the history books say that it happened in 586 BCE?
5:) Why do you say that Daniel's prophecy of the "Great Tree" has a secondary fulfillment that calculates out to the year 1914, when the angel specifically says that this prophecy was fulfilled in the life of King Nebuchadnezzar?
6:) How do you know that the "Little Flock" and "Other Sheep" don't simply refer to the Jewish disciples and Gentile disciples?
7:) How do you know that only 144,000 Christians will go to heaven?
8:) Why do you say that the number 144,000 is literal, but most other numbers in Revelation are symbolic?
9:) Where does the Bible say that the Great Crowd or the Other Sheep will live forever on a Paradise Earth?
10:) How do we honor Jesus "just as" we honor Jehovah? (John 5:23)
11:) Should Christians sing praises to Jesus? (Revelation Chapter 5)
12:) Who is the Maker of Heaven and Earth? The Father or The Son? (Isaiah 44:24, John 1:3, Hebrews 1:8-10)