I suspect they were Christians: my Chinese neighbors moved two days ago.
by not a captive 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Gotta watch out for those Chinese Christians.
er .... okay
not a captive
(Sorry I get this stuff mixed up--) My neighbors in my apsartment complex drove off to Baltimore on Friday.The Man's name was something like Tao. He was about 40 years old or so. Spoke good English --I would know because on the night of the Presidential elections my husband wanted me to come up and watch election returns with him even though I wasn't even thinking of leaving the JWs at that time--But I was in a rush, it was dark I was late and I backed into a nice latemodel Toyota with my ratty old red Isuzu. The other driver was a Chinese Student --couldn't speak much English. Suddenly there were chinese students every where. In the middle of it I recognized this guy cause I saw him alot walking a toddler or moving other student's furniture, or showing some neo phyte how to change the sparkplugs or change the oil on their old car. Tao materialized from no where and got everyone on the right track . Things worked out . He made it Go Well.
Our acquaintance grew incrementally. Later when vandals broke out the window on his family's immaculately maintained van he saw me in the alley and woefully told me what had happened. I saw him sadly sweeping up the mess. He was so kind to everyone that I got a cheap, bright bouquet of cut flowers and knocked on their apartment door with a note--"Because something good should happen today too. And a P.S.from the book of Ruth:" May you receive a perfect wage from God.""
I used to put our surplus garden veggies by the Apartment mailboxes,in the shade. Tao's apartment was nearby. I figured out that he never took more than his share but this guy was all about making sure everyone who needed any got them.Our land lady clued me once about a chinese fellow who recycled all the odd furnishings left over from ex-residents through the tiny Chinese Christian Church around the corner from my Apartments.I knew who it was: Tao.
He and his wife had another kid last year. Wife is a Graduate student--Tao never said what he was doing now --I think he was tha at-home dad. He told me once when I aske dhow come he spoke such good English and could fix cars (sorry--most of thse Chinese students can 't even drive very well). He said he drive cab in NY City for awhile some years back.
When I was leaving , wasn't going to meetings but hadn't sent my letter in yet, I saw Tao one Sunday morning rushing round the back alley parking place that I actually consider my front entrance. He was walking, I was driving .I rolled my window dow.."You're a Christian, aren't you?" Yes. When are your church services? I asked. Bible lessons at 9:40am, worship at 11am. He was just hurrying to take some students there that he had brought from the airport the night before.
Thanks ,I said. I'll see you soon.
I went the next week. I can't tell you ina few words how great it was. I kind of choked once during a song.They sangit in chinese but Iknew the words from my wicked church-going days and sang with them. They had a radio thing an a you woman translater. They alternated Engish and chinese and asked at the end for visitors to introduce themselves. Afterward we had a meal in the basement . I had become a "Rice Christian".
She graduated this month. I knew it was coming because I ran into Tao in the laundry facility a few doors away. He did the laundry. I told him then how much my few visits to his church had meant to me. I told him that I had been going to a church that would have thrown mwe out if they had known thatI was there.
It was as though his English failed him at that point. He just stared at me. I told him. "I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses" He didn't understand. I went further --Don't you know about So-and-so? she is one of Jehovah's Witnesses who talks in Chinese to many students--surely you know her? No, Tao didn't know about the constant pressure this consciencious sister plied against the false religion he practiced.
And all of a sudden I just loved the whole thing. Tao didn't know about the Witnesses. He wasn't making war on them or any other religion. He just followed Jesus. I told them I would miss them very much. He said they'd be back.
I didn't tell him that I was moving too. But I knew we all would miss him.
He packed the household out. By Friday morning they were gone.
Yesterday doing my laundry I looked outside their apartment. The final and very clean items that they didn't tale wer under the portico entrance of their apartment that used to have the little bench and the wagon and trike for their kids. I went close and saw clean whit paper with writing on it clipped to the items. "Take them they are free"
He didn't do the customary sit them by our alley dumpsters for adoption--and rain sometimes messes that up- and he didn't make youfeel just alittle like a crook for just hoping or assuming they wer up for grabs--no he offred them to the anonymous takers. Even people who would not know him , the new ones moving in from far away.
I do believe he was a Christian.
Woks the problem?
not a captive
Sorry folks, I tried to get it stopped and edited--couldn't do it somehow.
Think About It
Anybody missing a cat?
Think About It
not a captive
I'm gong to dog YOUR cat!
not a captive
Yes, he is a Christian, the kind of neighbor you're glad to have--no matter what church he attends.