Bowel movements in Israel Campament

by vivalavida 12 Replies latest members adult

  • vivalavida

    Even though this looks like a funny title, it's actually a serious question that has nagged for years.

    The WTS claims that the total amount of people that left Egypt through the read sea was about 3 million give or take. If that is the case, and if they had to follow the instructions of getting outside of the campament, I don't know, it wouldn't be as clean as it might sound.

    Take a look at the text of Deuteronomy 23:13,14

    13 And a peg should be at your service along with your implements, and it must occur that when you squat outside, you must also dig a hole with it and turn and cover your excrement.  14 For Jehovah your God is walking about within your camp to deliver you and to abandon your enemies to you; and your camp must prove to be holy, that he may see nothing indecent in you and certainly turn 
    away from accompanying you.

    My point is that it's normal to have, let's say, one bowel movement a day. For other people it might be once every two days, or maybe every three days. Anyway, the point is that after one week, most likely the 3 million people would have been outside of the campament having bowel movements and digging holes. By the end of the second week, they either had to walk farther away or have problems finding an unused spot. Anyway, it would certainly made God's walk, let's say, a bit unpleasant.

    It might have look like this...

    Has any one of you thought about this logistic problem?


  • StAnn

    Viva, this has been discussed in archaeological circles for years. If that many people were wandering the desert for 40 years, there would be evidence of latrines. That evidence doesn't exist.


  • moshe

    250,000 refugees made a trek from one African civil war zone to a safe area in a couple days. They left quite a mess behind along both sides of the road the story reported.

  • booby

    here is where the following closely Jehovahs laws and regulations comes in. If they did this, you know, just so, (and I realize even one days activities of this type would create a challenge) then Jehovah would at night cause the daily contributions to lets say evaporate. Then in a miraculous transformation it would fall to the ground the next day as Manna. Something like the water cycle you could say.

  • hoser

    I always wondered about this too. a city of 3 million in modern times it is quite a feat to get rid of the waste. Maybe eating manna their $hit doesn't stink.

  • hamsterbait

    This is ANALysed on the websites and

    In a campshite that size people would have to walk for a good hour an a half to poop. In a hot climate that would mean taking water as well.

    A lot of people cannot hold themselves that long and evidently made themselves unclean, requiring cleansing rituals.

    Those websites are worthy of greater fame.


  • NewYork44M

    This thread is a bunch of crap.

  • vivalavida

    I thought about the Manna too. Their clothes and sandals lasted 40 years, according to the report, so, it wouldn't be that difficult to have them go, let's say once a month if they had the Manna as ordered.

    I mean, there is this case of a man that claims to have not eaten in 65 years. I don't know about the high number of years, but at least he managed to do it or, actually, not do it , for 10 days under supervision. Not even taking a leak. So, if it's possible for a man, it could have been possible for god. But still a huge logistics problem.

    Take a look at the link of the news here.



    People who don`t eat,have to go on a Special Diet..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • Mythbuster

    Booby, that cracked me up!

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