Are you an Independent Thinker since Exiting JW's - Or Still a Follower ?

by flipper 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    My opinions change as I come in to contact with new knowledge and new ideas.

    I am prepared to listen to all opinions up to a certain point, when the proponent exposes themselves as a bigot, a racist or ignorant I cease to listen to, or debate with, them.

    Like you, our esteemed friend Mr Flipper, I was always a bit of an independent thinker even while an active Witness, hence without bouncing it off anybody else, on line or anywhere, I saw through the 1914 doctrine.

    What I have learned, since exiting, mainly from here and related sites, is how to look at an argument critically and see the fallacies that are present, and I have been given a "Bullshit" detector by you guys that sniffs out false evidence and references.

    I was looking at a scientific paper a while back, and something made me check the references, all were from peers who supported the theory that lead to this latest hypothesis, no dissenting voice was quoted, they were very selective to the point of dishonesty, must have been taking lessons from the WTB$ !

    I now think of myself as an Independent Thinker as I have no other agenda than to seek out that which is true, I do not have a pre-disposition to reject evidence or reach a particular conclusion, and often I come up with ideas of my own, they may be shot down by others, but I do not care, I do not have to be right.

    I just don't wish to be fooled ever again.

  • flipper

    JAGUARBASS- It is true- there are so many different concepts in life out there- it can be confusing WHAT to believe. But just keep your mind open to lots of possibilities. I have found in life that there doesn't have to be a " way " or feel the need to find the " truth " or whatever people call it. For me personally- I feel the " truth " is within me deeply as a human being - so it stabilizes me from within. All the concepts I learn on this bog planet are just that- interesting concepts - not necessarily what I run my life by. Works for me anyway.

    WOBBLE- Sounds like you have an open mind also my friend. That is a good thing and I'm sure it's served as a protection for you over the years to have a good BS detector like you did even as a witness. Yes, I agree with you- I just couldn't buy into the 1914 thing by the end of the 1980's I was privately doubting it myself.

    I too have learned from this board about really researching information and testing things out - before believing them. Even in the News we get on T.V. , the internet , or mainsream- many times it's tainted to appease special interest groups or whoever is running the show. But like you say- it's good to have a free thinking critical thinking mind and not allow ourselves to be fooled again ! Didn't the rock group The Who say " They won't get fooled again " ? I agree with that too ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Going to work all night- wanted to bump this up for any who wanted to comment

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Cicero's quote any man can make mistakes but only an idiot persists in his error. Its not so terrible to be misled it happens most of us have heard the words "I love you" and it wasn't so . It's ok to go wrong as long as you notice that things didn't turn out as you had wanted & are prepared to learn from your mistakes.

    So where all here because for a little while we believed it was a yellow hat but eventually we woke up & realized it was red, got up and left the room saying "it was red".

    I've wanted anwers to whats it all about and in my persistence i've tried on lots of hats radical campus groups, communes, meditation groups, jehovahs witnesses you name it I've looked at it and walked away from it and I still haven't found what I'm looking for and now I'm 60. however, I'm married 25 years so I've been wise sometimes. as long as we keep trying, maybe we make mistakes we let our guard down and get trifled with we just need to keep going don't be too hard on ourselves for a lapse in judgement and call a red hat a red hat when we see one. that's an independant thinker.

  • flipper

    NANCY DREW- Very good points you bring up for sure. As JW's we all were duped to some extent or another by the trickery of the WT society's cult mind control. But like you said, we " saw the hat was red " and walked out. Not being fooled anymore. It's good you have experienced looking into different things which allowed you to keep an open mind and keep your options open as well. That was very smart on your part. Perhaps you HAVE found what you're looking for since you've been happily married for 25 years . I think we all find what we are looking for is really and always HAS been deep inside ourselves. It's kind of what I believe. Inner peace and happiness. Dependent on how we approach life and the world around us. Just my 2 cents

  • d

    Yes I am free thinker today and today I question things a whole lot more now then when I was younger. I have liberated my mind.

  • Fernando

    Great opening piece Mr Flipper! We humans sure are vulnerable and behave rather oddly!

    Born an independent thinker but at the same time into the Watchtower cult as 3rd generation, consequently developed "Psychological Stockholm Syndrome". Instinctively knew 1914 generation was wrong long before it started hitting the wall.

    No longer follow men or their organisations. Have found and follow Jesus alone, through independent study of the full unabridged gospel message (especially according to Paul, and especially Romans 3). Identify as a SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) simple Jesus follower.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The "Milgram Experiment" (1964) provides a few clues, why the human mind can be manipulated by the "men in the white coats."

    Milgram's experiment proved we are a sad species, quick to obey "the man in the white coat" and when asked to perform torture. Group leaders

    know the way they can silence free thinkers, is by attacking their character and fear of loss of friends. They label those who want change, as

    apostates and "mentally diseased" or trouble makers, "evil slave". ect. Why are insults used by a group who claims to love Jesus Christ?

  • flipper

    Didn't realize this had been bumped up. Thanks for the replies.

    D- Glad to see you are a free thinker . That's great to have a liberated open mind.

    FERNANDO- Indeed we are vulnerable as humans my friend. I think many of us suffered from " Stockholm Syndrome " as JW's as we were identifying with our captors the WT society. Thankfully we've escaped with our skin intact.

    BUBBLEGUM APOTHEOSIS- You asked, " Why are insults used by a group who claims to love Jesus Christ " . It's because they don't REALLY love Jesus Christ, or follow Jesus christ teachings. The WT society actually worships themselves as the leaders or a " God " they are quite enamored with their own control and power over 7 million JW's. So they manipulate and control through fear and guilt

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I have always been an independent thinker -- I just supressed it because it was "wrong" and was guilted into thinking I was "weak".

    I don't think there will be too many who are surprised when I eventually "drop the bomb." I've always been pretty out there, but within the confines of the "truth."

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