When I left the JW's in 95', talk of the King of the North and Peace & Security was still big close to the end items. Haven't seen them mentioned much since I've been coming here. What's the latest from the WTS on these 2 subjects?
Think About It
by Think About It 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When I left the JW's in 95', talk of the King of the North and Peace & Security was still big close to the end items. Haven't seen them mentioned much since I've been coming here. What's the latest from the WTS on these 2 subjects?
Think About It
After the fall of Communism they haven't been able to pin the tail on a new donkey.
Not much lately, other than "The big J could cause things to change on a moment's notice, so the end could still be tomorrow!"
After the fall of Communism they haven't been able to pin the tail on a new donkey.
That was funny.......I love it.
Think About It
JW's never understood all that types and anti-types stuff anyway- we hated the Babylon book, too. The brothers are probably hoping the WT has indeed decided to drop that topic.
They are finished with that scare tactic and even stop talking about how horrible the UN is as part of the wild beast or in affiliation with the harlot or whatever, since they where involved with the UN. They have even stop publishing about all the peodephiles in the clergy as they don't want to be publicly exposed. They are trying to focus on "the generation" and scare all the ones in there now/
WHEN I WAS IN >>>>>I loved that"Your will be done on earth" book.....Jesus,>> was I misled Then 1986 ??When they are saying peace and security??? instant destruction was to come upon them...HELLLLLOOOOOO that was in 1986.Oh yeah the UN is the abomination that causes desolation,turning on religion that brings on the tribulation culminating in Harmaggeddon.Heellllloooooo this is the year 2010.The Your Will Be Done Book is defunct!!The U.N Debacle is history except for the jw`s who have their head in the sands,and of course 1986 ,when the UN proclaimed it as the year of peace and security,and nothing happened???? Another failed prophecy by the faithfull and disreet slave class
I left in 2006 and at that time the new Daniel book said the Kings of the North and South were constantly changing as world powers changed and were not one specific country.
Apparently, the Kings now overlap each other. when one world power falls, and another takes their place, the prophecy now applies to the new world powers. So you see brothers and sisters, in this way, the faithful slave is never wrong, and this aptly typifies and foreshadows the overlapping generations that saw the generation that saw 1914. Isn't that happifying?
My son was about 12 or 13 when we studied that book and on coffee night, he overheard some sisters talking about the old Daniel book and how different the interpretations were back then and isn't it wonderful to have this new light.
When he got home he asked me, "if the old light was wrong, then how do we know the new light is right?" Maybe this will be old light in 10 more years."
You see, it's so simple, even a child can get it. I had to make a choice then, because I sat through that entire book asking myself the same question and came to the conclusion they were just making it up as they go along but only after it was obvious the old light had to be wrong, (as the fall of the USSR put the end to current light).
So I had to choose whether to do a mind fuck on my son, or have an honest conversation with him. I chose honesty and that was the beginning of the end for both of us.
one day it's russia,
next, it's iraq
then it changes to iran
another day there's a threat from north korea, so guess who's the flavor of the day?
just make a wheel with every country on it, and spin it, light will make it stop on the right one (for the minute)
I think they would like to pin the tail on Islam but are afraid of some wack job with a packed vest walking into the lobby at 124 Columbia Hgts..