Distance is an advantage. My wife and I are working on that right now; not because we want to hide who we are, but because we want to live our lives free from familial interference.
The toughest part of my decision to "come out of the closet" (so to speak) was the effect it would have on my family, especially mom and wife. But once it happened, and I saw the hateful reaction from several close family members and friends, it became clear that even though this would be painful, I was on the right course. To follow your conscience and pursue truth for what it is, has a pricetag that is different for each one of us. But if you're willing to pay that price, the item purchased is freedom.
Just as Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
Freedom is a gift of God and no man has a right to infringe upon it. Remember that JWs only have as much power over you as YOU give them. My advice: Don't give them an inch.