Blondie, thank you for your hard work. I always look forward to your WT comments.
Titus: We all have to attend because the GB says so. That’s it. LOL! I know where you are coming from, I asked myself the same question over the years.
My 2cents…
“2. However, Jesus made this startling declaration to the Jews of his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits."
In the current JW’s environment fruits=works (preaching hours, meeting attendance, pioneering, building comities/regional, bethel work, ms/elder, etc.).
At the times of Jesus the nation was saturated with “works”, the Pharisees lead the way. It is obvious, then, that the fruits that the nation was not producing were love, mercy, joy and faith -just to mention a few. From my experience and observation, many JWs are not loving, especially those in leadership position; there is no mercy nor compassion in the handling of child sex abuse by JW’s leadership (anointed/GB/FDS). I see no Joy in the faces of JW that have been associating with the religion for 5+plus years. Their faith is towards the material rewards that the WT promotes, their faith in Jehovah and Jesus rest on their expectation of the nearness of the “end of this system of thing”, their faith in biblical truth has been replaced for loyalty to the 9 or 12 men in Brooklyn, NY who call themselves the Governing Body.
P.S....this WT study was just a load of "materia fecal de toro"...