Just sharing something that occurred to me this weekend.
I love to go to bookstores. Barnes and Noble's is the one closest to where I live, although there are a couple of independent bookstores downtown that I like as well.
I have to admit that at times, I feel overwhelmed when I look at all the books. Next to Rush Limbaugh's latest is Al Franken's latest. Liberals and Conservatives, Theists and Atheists all take pot shots at each other.
Oh, I am sorry, that wasn't the fiction section, where I run to for cover.... ;)
What it informs me of is this: In spite of some deeply held beliefs I have, most people in the world feel differently, as represented by these books and those who buy them. (interestingly, I doubt the political books in particular are purchased by anyone other then those that already agree... sort of a weird circle of life that makes Beck and Hannity millions for repeating themselves over and over again...)
It isn't reasonable to argue my position beyond a certain point. Sure, I will resist anyone who says I can't believe what I want, and I will be happy to discuss my opinions with those of an open mind.
But to try to convince (for example) a Christian theist that the earth wasn't created in 6 days, no thanks. I am only interested in keeping that out of public schools. Thats all. I can't help the ignorant from themselves.
To convince a social conservative that the gay and lesbian population isn't a threat to society? Not interested. Now, don't try to deny them their rights and privileges that you grant to others. And don't fan the flames of persecution against them. But I know, prejudice will always be there. I have seen it. It routinely makes it's way on the NY Times bestseller list.
It's a good reminder for me to pick my battles, and live and let live.
I love books. :)