I brought this up before and I'll do it again. In an earlier thread I warned you that you appeared to be perilously close to comprising professionalism in your "off duty" interest. As much as I'd like to cheer over a few elders squirming I think that we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that you were not there on official business. There is no specific crime that you are investigating relating to this particular kingdom hall. Like so many others, you are deeply distressed by the organizational policy that prevents victims of abuse from receiving proper treatment and from seeing that victimizers pay the price for their crimes. However, there was no specific incident relating to that hall you were investigating. I appreciate your interest as a person. I still maintain that you have been blurring the lines of your professional interest and your personal interest. Either you were there in a professional capacity or you were not. Which is it?
The loose cannon approach is not going to be particularly beneficial. If your department wants to launch an investigation then I assume you would be assigned the case? But you were not. Were you approached by a victim at this particular hall? As far as I can tell, you were not. It seems your justifiable complaint is with the organzation- headquartered in Brooklyn. Therefore, you are looking at a situation that is out of your jurisdiction, are you not? Aside from contacting the FBI, what are your plans? You have no victim, no perpetrator and no suspicion of a crime within your jurisdiction- specifically this particular hall, do you?
Listen, I'd love to see the organization hang for it's hideous policies- the pedophilia issue is particularly grotesque. But I really think you've crossed a number of lines in this allegedly unofficial investigation. It's my opinion that you and your partner over-stepped bounds by throwing around the police officer mentality as if you were actually investigating a specific offense. If you were a plumber, I hardly think you would have caused such an uproar. You are a police officer who doesn't seem to know when she's on the clock or off it. I believe the term is "yahoo". Does that sound familiar? That's the slang term people in my area use when police/fire/ambulance employees are so enthused by their own seemingly powerful status that they can't clock off, if you will.
I am as outraged by things that go on as the next person but I really can't support the way things have come off so far with your inquest. It's nice to feel powerful, but you and your partner are not powerful in this situation. All you are doing is making some people tremble because they don't understand that you have no power over them as it stands. Yet you and your partner let them believe that you do. If you are going to start an investigation (though right now you have no basis for investigating this congregation), then do it! But seeing as you don't currently have even a suspicion of a crime within that congregation, then do not contact them again. You obviously didn't make it abundantly clear that your interest is not a professional one, which I think is pretty questionable behavior on your part. It's a terrible abuse of power that has seeped into your professional life by the contacting of your police chief.
This isn't Mayberry. If you can't see that you are dealing with a much bigger animal than those hapless men, then you aren't much of an investigator. I'm sorry, I don't usually go off on people but this is absurd. This is a sensleless approach that lost sight of it's goals- the victims! Let go of the power issues and start recognizing that from where you stand- without a specific crime- you've got nothing. So try being a concerned civilian and lay off the yahoo behavior before it backfires. This crazy behavior could cost you and others big time.
The meeting did not go well.
by Danni 221 Replies latest jw friends
You remind me of the time when I was around 16 years old, and I walked into a Movie Theater with my shirt-tail hanging out, rather than having been neatly tucked inside my pants. A certain Police Officer tried to intimidate me by reprimanding me regarding my shirt, demanding that I tuck the tail of it down inside my pants.
Yeah, well why don't you try going to your next meeting at the Kingdumb Hell wearing your shirt-tail hanging out too! Or better yet, why don't you wear shorts. Let's see if the elders don't try to "intimidate" you or "reprimand" you and "demand" that you tuck your shirt down your pants.And then if you are rebelious, you could be df'd and lose your family for being "rebelious to authority." You're so stupid that you set your own self up.
Yadirf Danni
Would you be willing to give me the name and phone number of the Mayor of your city, and the phone number of your superior if I email you?
LOL So you want to destroy my career over this? Let me tell you, if i go down because of this and just one child went to the police when hurt it's worth me losing everything..No i don't know what you are up to I do know you said you can't resepect me so you can't be up to any good. Do what I did investigate it on your own.I just don't trust you.
And one other thing. I do believe I DID warn you to use caution, review your goals and be perfectly clear that you were not there on official business. I think that's when you implied I was a lawyer(?) or otherwise tried to laugh off my warnings? So please don't suggest that everyone was gung ho on your approach. Again, I'm glad you feel motivated, I'm just not a fan of abusing power.
Not trying to be negative about your story or anything but a few things just didn't jive with me.
You said:
"Darryl and I arrived at around 7:30am. He didn't wear his uniform.
There were a number of people already there but I noticed others were still coming in. The first thing I did was take notice of the children. They were running around and playing. The teens were in separate groups. Boys on one side girls on the other."I have attended 5 different KH at different times and we have never met at 7:30 am. And children are usually not allowed to "run around and play", and the teens were usually not separated out on different sides of the KH.
You also stated:
"Speakerphone voice: I see , Bill Bowen is behind this visit. Bill is a liar. What you see coming from Bill is a self-serving attitude. Bill will slide on his belly to have his way. It has nothing to do with children being molested. We have tried to reason with Bill but, he will have no part of it. What you are witnesseing is public blackmail.He has had absolute power over others his decisions were never questioned. Now he has come up with these stories of trying to be a lone champion of children being raped. Proof of his true intentions can be seen in the fact that he has teamed up with those who hate jehovah's witnesses to bring us down. That is his goal if we do not bow to him he will see us in hell. Please don't be misled by Bill Bowen. You have no idea who you are dealing with. If he had been a Jehovah's Witnesses in his heart he would never have done the things he did to destroy them. You don't know the whole story of Bill Bowen."Notice the part where he says "if we do not bow to him he will see us in hell". I can't imagine a JW elder saying that.
I also can't imgagine them asking you to come visit a JW family. The whole thing just seems out of the norm for JW's.
Maybe I'm wrong.
The eyes of my eyes are opened.
I appreciate you not likeing me . If any child-molester or someone who protects child molesters liked me, I wouldn't be doing my Job.
And so now you've determined that I myself am a protector of child molesters. Interesting! That ought to go over real good in court.Yadirf
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
Heh-Heh!Danni you`ve got good street smarts,you must be a good cop...OUTLAW
detective And one other thing. I do believe I DID warn you to use caution, review your goals and be perfectly clear that you were not there on official business. I think that's when you implied I was a lawyer(?) or otherwise tried to laugh off my warnings? So please don't suggest that everyone was gung ho on your approach. Again, I'm glad you feel motivated, I'm just not a fan of abusing power.
again there are a lot of things that were left out in here and I am not going over it again. That's your opinion about my so called abuse of power. I never asked to join them there and i don't know but if you knew anything about what I do, cops are never off the clock...
You sound just like those elders in that room, they don't feel they should obey the law unless they are getting something personal out of it. Tell me why don't you go and use your knowledge with the elders who knows maybe you too can make a difference in there. After all you give great adivce behind your computer let's see you go there and stop the abuse than come and question me.shimmer I have attended 5 different KH at different times and we have never met at 7:30 am. And children are usually not allowed to "run around and play", and the teens were usually not separated out on different sides of the KH.
Sorry wish I could argue with you about if the Jehovah's Witnesses let their kids pick their noses or not in the congregations but the truth is I don't know what rules they have for children there. I can only tell you what i seen. I was there at 7:30 am. I didn't say the they were on different sides of the kingdom hall I said, they were in separte groups. Girls on one side boys on the other. Left side right side. get it.
Notice the part where he says "if we do not bow to him he will see us in hell". I can't imagine a JW elder saying that
I don't know what he was i didnt call the man an elder i made it a point to let you know where the voice came from and that's how i referred to him through the whole thread.
They were saying a lot more than hell in there. Like i said, if i have to subpoena all those witnesses up there I have no problem with that , but the truth will come out if they want to take to the public. It makes no difference to me. -
OUTLAW Hey danni,It would be sweet if this went public,but they`ve already tried to gag you.So I guess they don`t want that..LOL...OUTLAW
That's true, but anytime they want to take there i am game. I am willing to show just how christian they were acting up in there.
Funny how dective keeps talking about the abuse of power coming from me but he haven't said one thing about the elders abusing their power over all their memebers to keep them quiet and from speaking out.Talk about being two faced.
It just occured to me that maybe there are a few people in here who really wanted a change but there are many of you are hurt by my going there (congregation) to confront the elders. At the same time you are forgetting they invited me. I guess it's just all talk coming from some of you. They really don't want a change at all. I was told twice in mail that some are using the victims for self-serving reasons. I see that now. I don't mean the good ones here . I am talking about the ones that really have a problem with me at least trying to put an end to the abuse. You don't give a damn about them,Maybe there was some truth in yo yo's words the other day. I don't know.