I'd be interested to see how thin her former boss is.
Personally I see nothing attractive about thin women. As BTS said, a guy wants something to hang on to.
by Think About It 28 Replies latest jw friends
I'd be interested to see how thin her former boss is.
Personally I see nothing attractive about thin women. As BTS said, a guy wants something to hang on to.
Are you sure they didn't say she's too "flat" instead?
Good point. A Hooter's paid for boob job would help keep people from looking at her mid-section, if they consider it to be a problem.
Think About It
I'd do her!
I'm hiring,....
I was born and raised in the Peg.
Neat to see you. PM me.
From a South Florida perspective, Hooters are much different there.
When you have the all the beaches topless in Miami and thongs being the bathing suit of choice, the Hooters thing here is very mild (if that is a good choice of words). Spend a little time on South Beach and the Hooters outfits appear very plain.
Down here, most Hooters are full of kids ... like a Chucky Cheese place. On a Saturday afternoon, you would think you are at McDonalds.
When you live here, you wonder what all the fuss is about.
Rub a Dub
I've never been to a Hooters. Is the food any good or is it all about boobs?
Great wings!
I've been to a Hooters maybe 3 times. The food is fine. Wings, Burgers, Fries.
I'm a woman. Boobs and super short-shorts are the biggest attraction. The waitresses are very flirtacious and like to lean over the tables to take orders to show as much cleavage as possible.
I like cleavage!