Are all bibles twisted? Look how this 'interlinear' exposes a very different message, and interesting thing about the Devil.........

by EndofMysteries 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EndofMysteries

    If you have interlinear or look one up online, go to Jude vs 5-7. Now almost all bibles, including NWT go something like this...

    ."I desire to remind you, depsite your knowing all things once for all time, that Jehovah, * although he saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterwards destroyed those not showing faith. And the angles that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgement of the great day. "

    Now lets see what a direct greek to english translation shows prior to rearranging the words.

    Direct Greek to English"""To remind but you I am wishing, having known once for all all, that Lord people out of earth of Egypt having saved the SECOND (time), the (ones) not having believed he destroyed, angels and the (ones) not having kept the of selves beginning but having left off the own dwelling place itno judgement of great day to bonds ever-being under gloom he has kept; as Sodom and Gammorah and the abut them cities, the like manner to these (ones cities) having commited fornication out and having gone off behind flesh different, they are lying before something shown of fire everlasting justice having under."""

    ------------now first of all, it specifically mentions saving a SECOND time in Egypt, yet that's omitted in every bible I've seen so far. THEN they add a period and separate the part about Angels when it was infact a comma there (in the greek). Another thing of note, one bible said where it says Lord, that some earlier manuscripts said Jesus. Much confusion because of things like that, when trying to learn the truth. I can say for sure, there is a very different message in the bible when you start learning what it's really saying. (not so much in how ones conduct should be, but as in the history of man, what's going on, and who's doing what in the spiritual realm)

    Would be great for a TRUE translation of the scriptures, which doesn't care if it makes sense or not. Some things you can understand why a translator did, but in here, omitting SECOND, and changing the comma to a period, can conceal a different intended message.


    ANOTHER thing of note here............if you go to vs 8, this really caught my attention, in vs 8 is speaking about those who speak ABUSIVELY OF GLORIOUS ONES, yet how the Archangel Michael when he was in a dispute with the Devil, did not dare judge him to bare upon blasphemy, but said may the Lord rebuke you. Yet these men have NOT KNOWN they are blaspheming and go on corrupting themselves.

    Two things which come to mind there, A. Possibly that the devil and Satan are two different creatures. B. Even if not, and recalling what happened with Job, and scriptures I know in the bible, that nobody ever said anything abusively against Satan or the Devil. Jesus said GO AWAY. Based on what it's saying in vs 8+ in Jude, it may be bad in God's eyes for anyone to be judging anybody, even spiritual creatures, may be things we do not know, and best to just worry about ourselves.

  • little witch
    little witch

    winky winky grin grin,

    keep up the digging up sweetie, it really is amazing to see what we learn after all we have been 'taught'

    Im proud of you, keep going!

  • Leolaia
    now first of all, it specifically mentions saving a SECOND time in Egypt, yet that's omitted in every bible I've seen so far.

    The use of to deuteron "the second" is rhetorical in the verse as a counterpoint to the first occasion in the preceding clause (similar to saying "on the one hand"/"on the other hand" in English), and so is usually rendered as "subsequently", but more literal translations have as thus: "But I would put you in remembrance, you who once knew all things, that the Lord, having saved a people out of [the] land of Egypt, in the second place destroyed those who had not believed" (Darby), "Now I should like to remind you, though you have been informed of all things once and for all, that the Lord who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, on the second occasion destroyed those who did not believe" (Bauckham). The first occassion referred to is the exodus, the second occasion is that referred to in Numbers 14 when God punished those Israelites who expressed disbelief, i.e. lack of faith in God's promises. First he saved them and second he destroyed those who did not believe.

    THEN they add a period and separate the part about Angels when it was infact a comma there (in the greek).

    No, there is no punctuation in the ancient Greek.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Leolaia-I love you...but this says it all:'s-Stone-Rupert-Grint-Ron-

    <div style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"><embed src="" id="1_04e45b04_6f7b_11df_ab1a_0019b9e56dac" name="1_04e45b04_6f7b_11df_ab1a_0019b9e56dac" flashvars="auto_play=false&clip_pid=kcbddvkbfw&e=&id=1_04e45b04_6f7b_11df_ab1a_0019b9e56dac&skin_pid=wfxswdnlkf" width="300" height="30" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent"></embed><div id="1_04e45b04_6f7b_11df_ab1a_0019b9e56dac_anchor" style="font-size: 8px; color: black; text-decoration: none; display: block; text-align: center;"><a href="'s-Stone-Rupert-Grint-Ron-" style="font-size: 8px; color: black;" target="_blank">Brilliant, but scary sound bite</a> ;<a href="" style="font-size: 8px; color: black;" target="_blank">Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone sound bites</a></div><img alt="Brilliant, but scary sound bite" border="0" height="0" src="" style="visibility: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px; margin:0; padding:0; float:right" width="0" /></div>

  • EndofMysteries

    Leolaia - in the interlinears, it shows a comma, but the words then in the bible a period. The other commas, periods generally are matching up. What would be the reason? (with none being in that language, why would they make it appear a comma there, yet then in the final script a period?)

  • HintOfLime

    Whenever I read people trying to figure out the nuances of bible.. all I can think is...

    (Start 30 seconds in.)

    It's just an old book. That's all.

    - Lime

  • wannabefree

    I'm telling ya, read Truth in Translation, it explains stuff like that. Very good book.

  • Leolaia

    EndofMysteries....Probably because commas are often appropriate for punctuating Greek and periods are appropriate for punctuating English. What we would typically have as separate sentences in English would often be expressed in long run-on sentences in Greek. Did you know that most of the first chapter of Ephesians (1:3-14) is one long sentence? It must be broken up into separate sentences in English, and periods are used for that in English. But in presenting the Greek text, commas would be appropriate to indicate separate clauses within that single sentence.

  • PSacramento

    Two things which come to mind there, A. Possibly that the devil and Satan are two different creatures. B. Even if not, and recalling what happened with Job, and scriptures I know in the bible, that nobody ever said anything abusively against Satan or the Devil. Jesus said GO AWAY. Based on what it's saying in vs 8+ in Jude, it may be bad in God's eyes for anyone to be judging anybody, even spiritual creatures, may be things we do not know, and best to just worry about ourselves.

    Jesus makes it clear that Satan ( adversary) is a fallen one and that he was there, with the other created beings, from the very beginning and was causing crap from the very beginning. Satan's "power" is his ability to lie and manipulate and because it falls on beleiver to FALL for his lies, he really can't be judged for what THEY but only for he does and only God can judge others.

    Free will is a bitch, it falls on US, it is OUR responsibility to resist Satan and if we don't, it is our fault and not his.

    Satan has no power other than what we give him, as James says "resist the devil and he will flee".

    Satan is NOT the ruler of anything but his lies and he rules what is built on those lies, in other words, he can rule US and "our world" if we beleive his lies.

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