Hi all,
Thanks for your responses. I just felt like I had to vent. Thanks for "hearing" me!
rnicole76 wrote:
you know these jws hiding under the disguise as a worldly person who is defending the religion.
hehehe!!! Transparent to us, but never to them. By the way, welcome to the forum. I see you are a newbie!!!
Elsewhere wrote:
It may be the magazine with the most COPIES PRINTED, but it most certainly is not the most READ magazine.
The article is titled in a way to make it appear that the Watchtower is the most widely read. What a joke. Do the jws really think that people take these magazines to READ them? I figure householders take the magazines so the jws will go away. Unfortunately, householders then set in motion a pattern of being called on again and again, with the jws believing there is interest behind those doors. I think it would be useful if everyone who thought the jws at the door were a general nuisance (much like a fly buzzing in the room) ...if householders "just say no" it would leave a much clearer message of non-interest.
WuzLovesDubs wrote:
Just because there are 10 million copies made a month or whatever, doesnt mean the GREAT MAJORITY of them arent sitting in piles in closets and garages and in the bottoms of bookbags and at laundrymats TOTALLY unread. I know that I personally RARELY read any articles from ANY of those publications except those that we were "studying" and even those I read cursorily.
I love your comment. I know from my past experience that the majority of mags sat in a pile. I stretched my placements by leaving copies in mailboxes, etc. Not likely they were ever actually read. I certainly did not find interest at the doors...thank goodness. No karmic debt, except for sadly, my kids...
Ummm, I wonder if the circulation numbers include the "Member Copies"...? Cuz, how many members do the jws have now, anyway? I don't keep track of that useless information anymore...
lepermessiah wrote:
it should say most widely DISTRIBUTED magazine, also the most THROWN AWAY without being touched magazine, etc. It also brings back bad Saturday morning memories. ... At least the author did speak with some ex- and non-JWs. ...I place 95% of mine in bus stops, pay phones, laundrymats, and not-at-homes. I know that is the norm, so I wonder what percentage of those supposed 40 Million are actually read.
If only the whole world could see the jws the way we see them. As it stands, the publicity spin the dubs put on themselves to "sanitize themselves for public consumption" makes me gag.
Thanks again for "being there" for meeee!
Love youz!