I've been watching the new DVD and it is a Bull fest about Russell. I haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one VERY important bit of information. You'll recall that Russell "lost" his faith and "Turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, Russell examined some leading Oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying". (proclaimers pg. 43.) This is significant considering Russell's proclivity towards spiritistic influences and pyramidology. I haven't even come upon that yet. I'll keep you posted. The video merely states that his faith was revived by the Second Adventist views of the group in the basement where he heard George Storrs preaching by accident. So far this has been a major gloss job. The young GB members are all through it. Haven't seen Barr or any oldsters at all at the half way point. Gotta go back and watch more... This is sickening. Hope you get to see it soon. Anyone else seen it?
DVD "JW's Faith In Action, part 1 Out of Darkness" Omits! Omits! Omits!
by Wasanelder Once 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How about ripping it and seeding it on bittorrent?
Wasanelder Once
The narrative is already to 1899 and no mention of co-writing the "Three Worlds, and the Harvest of this World" book with Barbour! No mention of 1874, no mention of 1914!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about revisionism! Holy crap!
I wonder if a text of the script will become available?
I fell asleep just as it was getting into Rutherford, at least the quality of production is getting better.
Wasanelder Once
The SOB's are blaming all the followers for the dissapointment at no armageddon in 1914! They have not even mentioned that he was married or her pivitol part in the WT Society's formation. Splane says that the "Organization was chosen by God because of honest hearted men who were sincere." What a way to dodge the satanic doctrines. They don't even mention that the Studies in the Scripture were initially "The Millenial Dawn". They also never call it "The Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence". It is "Zion's Watchtower." What a fricken scrub job. I'm disgusted.
Was there any mention of William Conley, or Maria Russell?
Wasanelder Once
Maria Russell never existed. It is not mentioned that he was ever married, nor is there any mention of Rutherford's wife and son. Conley? Don't recall hearing that name either. This is the biggest whitewash you'll ever see. No pyramid, no influence on 1914 from any other source as if it was all Russell's idea and of course it was the follower's fault that they were dissapointed with no armageddon in 1914. Of course they were proclaiming that Jesus would be king in 1914 for 40 years before it happened. Should we have expected less?
I realize we can't put clips up on You Tube from their DVD. But, selected written quotes from the DVD as part of a review are fair game.
If someone can put together some printed quotes from the script, I'm sure there'd be fodder here for a few dozen video and written critiques.
Watchtower Whitewashes Their History:
"JWs Faith in Action" DVD -- A Critical Review
Or something like that....
There could be reviews all across the spectrum on this one.
I should add that I just finished classes today and will have some free time for a few weeks...
I'd love to work on a project like this analyzing a WT history DVD if anyone has one to share. :)