Looks like Martin, the Jesuit priest is using good old watchtower tactics. Insult the people who dont join organized religion, call them selfish and other insults. And while I dont believe in this article Martin used the "Lone Ranger" label, it is usually a negitive label put upon people who dont go to an organized church.
There is nothing in the Bible that states that you must join a church, the 1st century christians met in small groups.
One of the great things about waking up from the watchtower is to see how the watchtower twists things around in their magazine. Those same tactics can be used with other groups. For example, you take one of these "you must go to church" people, and ask them what is required for salvation? They usually respond putting faith in Jesus. Then when I point out that going to church is not required for salvation, they hem and haw like the watchtower and spin around in circles to try to say that while you dont have to go to church for salvation, you kind of do, but you dont, but you kind of do, etc. LOL