Believingxjw says,
In COC Ray wrote, " That afternoon Chairman Schroeder brought the Governing Body's decision to me. Evidently those seeking disfellowshiping had not attained a two-thirds majority, for he simply informed me that I was being asked to resign from the Body and also as a member of the headquarters staff...."
Next paragraph, "I wrote out my resignation..." COC, page 332
Ray resigned because he was asked to resign.
Ray continued to attend meetings after he left Bethel. The elders in his congregation even considered appointing him elder.
I believe we should be just as honest about things as we ask the JWs to be.
I watched the events unfold every day for the few months I was there after Ray left. Ray didn't want to leave the organization, he thought he could be a good buffer. Lyman Swingle was his biggest sympathizer and was one of the one third that didn't want to disfellowship him, because he knew everything that was going on. Lyman, out of pressure of being potentially forced out himself, just later turned into a lowly coward and towed the organizational line.
The doublespeak of Schroeder was so obvious it stunk; you didn't sit in on the secret Bethel elders meetings right after he left, and you weren't privy to the private conversations that occurred every day, and other close information from Tom and Gloria Cabeen as to how the WT planned to get him disfellowshipped. They were going to railroad him any way they could, even if they had to hide in the bushes and watch him day and night. Ray did not just stand up for truth and say, "I'm leaving because you are corrupt." He wanted to stay and help change, until he realized it was impossible. He had no choice but to resign; any other imagined option is simply bullshit. Knorr pulled this crap all the time, as did Rutherford. I saw it personally with Knorr many times, and heard many stories from Bethelites about their clever politics. The Service Dept. was even more slimey in how they engineered the exiting of Franz.
But the point is not a big one. Just another corporate cleansing.
Were you at Bethel at the time? Did you know these people firsthand, and privately share their confidences?