I've realized a new employee is a JW, because he likes to leave JW literature on his desk and because he mentioned "congregation responsibilities". I am debating whether to tell him of my JW past.
The main reason for considering this is because I had mentioned to another coworker "G" that I was raised as a JW, before the JW's arrival. If the JW tries to witness to "G", "G" might reveal that fact. (I have "tested" the JW, complaining about deteriorating world conditions to see if he would witness, but he didn't, so maybe he doesn't witness at work.)
I don't participate in birthday or holiday celebrations, don't discuss religion and there isn't anything in my behavior at work that would be considered a disfellowshipping offense.
My inclination is to keep quiet, if for no other reason than to avoid getting hounded about returning to the fold. There is a part of me that thinks it's dishonest to withhold the info, but I guess that's part of the JW programming.
What would you do in this situation?