At least 2 of the 4 closest congregations to me had lower attendance at the memorial this year.
I didn't go to the Memorial this year but at my own congregation it not only went down some but by a considerable margin.
Last year we had 200+ for the Memorial, this year down to 157.
Second congregation nearby had a drop of over 20. From approx. 187 down to 165.
I do believe we have been making tremendous inroads in my area. So many have just stopped going. Inactive.
Yesterday while I was bike riding on the public trail I came in contact with a long time friend that was telling me the
Circuit Overseer met with her disfellowshipped sister while he was here and asked if there was anything they could do to
help her return to the congregation. Her sister told him in no uncertain terms that she never wants to go back.
Also I was told that 2 Elders are being sent in to this area to help with congregation matters.
Not sure what all this entails at present but something looks to be in the works.
I've personally had 4 Elders visits in the last 3 months. I keep a little record book everytime they come by.
So far they've been nice and tried to be "encouraging" but I can't help but feel that I've got a big bullseye on my back
and that they are trying to get me in their crosshairs.
A few of us "inactives" have been comparing notes and they've also been hit lately with unannounced visits.
We feel that maybe they are no longer content to let us be as inactives because of maybe influencing others in some
form by merely talking to them and such in public.
From what I gather that others have posted on here recently/lately it looks like a big push might be on to force people
to get in or get all the way out.
Could be instructions from corporate but as of now I've got my eyes and ears out to glean anything I can.