Religion and Cults

by 125 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StAnn

    Alice, who gives a flying f*@! what the scientific community says about religion? Religion is not slowly being "dissolved." Where is the evidence to back up this statement? Just look at Afghanistan and the Taliban, plenty of religion there. And Western Europe is becoming almost fully Muslim. That's a religion. Not dissolving over there.


  • StAnn

    Post 156 of 160
    Since 5/10/2010

    My definition of a cult wouldn't make any inroads here because I belong to a “cult.”

    Finally! Alice admits she's in a cult! We've broken through! Hooray!!!!!!!


  • beksbks

    Look at the American political climate, religion is unfortunately making a comeback. No lack of blind zealots here.

  • StAnn

    Hey, Beks, you're in CA, did you see the news today with all of those Pelosi supporters heckling her and throwing stuff at her because they say she isn't getting enough spending passed? Mind boggling to me.


  • beksbks

    LOL Ann engarde!

    Yes I saw it, but did not hear exactly what their thrust was. Hmmmmm where did you hear that story, and that explanation, if I might ask?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I'm going to put my head on the chopping block here and say that some of those cut and pastes AIW posted made some valid points:

    My dictionary also defines "cult" as any religious sect. Any religion would technically be a cult, but as a society we tend to use it as a perjorative term to describe "other" religions that we don't agree with.

    All religions do use some form of mind control and fear to keep their followers in psychological check. It's true that there are varying degrees of abuse and mind control exercised but I don't think one could find one religion that does not use some of the tactics listed in the "ten warning signs of a dangerous group or leader."

    I agree the JW's are a cult and disagree with many of AIW's posts, however, when someone makes a valid point in argument, it is good to acknowledge that otherwise we are just guilty of ad hominen attacks as well.

  • beksbks

    I'm certainly not about to defend any religion, as I believe they are all the work of the devil .

    But, the Dubs have a couple of true cult indicators. That separation. Discouraging any kind of interaction with non dubs. That's a huge one. And the dissemination of info through an inspired individual or in this case small group. That's right out of the cult book.

  • StAnn

    Beks, I know you'd love to hear me say FoxNews BUT....I don't have cable anymore. It was CBS. Google "pelosi heckled" and you'll see millions of responses. Apparently, it was the Code Pink group. Also, some people who are upset that Health Care Reform pushes the disabled into nursing homes by cutting out payment for home care, which I think is absolutely stupid. Home care is much cheaper and often better, in my experience.


  • StAnn

    CD, since you've placed your head on the chopping block....please defend your very broad statement that all religions do use some form of mind control. Being an ex-JW, I tend to balk at such all encompassing, demonizing statements.


  • beksbks

    Yes I heard someone say earlier today, "it's those people who protest everything", but I never heard exactly what it was they were protesting, or who they were. Are they a cult?

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