PSacramento - For the record...No I didnt know anything about those groups you mention except some cynicism that they were probably profiteers when I was older...but as a child I grew up in a small Welsh village here in fifties Britain. I came from a broken family which was unheard of in those days in that area, and as children we were treated abominably by the villagers and some family on the basis of their 'godliness' in their narrow minded and bigoted village churches and chapels. I suffered this for many years and despite my sincere belief in God, which stays with me still, I was only too happy to agree with the JWs about the hypocrisy and lack in Christendom's congregations. Perhaps that helps you to understand my biased viewpoint.
Thanks you so much for clearing that up, sometimes I forget that we are the sum of OUR experiences, not the experinces of others.
I apologise if my tone was callous.