My sister went to the St. Louis Mo. convention because she has an old nonwitness friend there she can stay with. We are in Georgia. Friend went with her because convention was only 17 miles from her house. Well, she got back today and just raved about how the new lite on the generation doctrine was Oh So Clear and understandable, and just wonderful to hear. She had never fully understood it before, she says, but now it's easy to grasp. She went on to explain it, until I broke into her rambling explaination and said that ( don't that actually mean they just added about 50 years onto their timetable for Armageddon?) No, she says. It actually makes it closer than ever because you see because if this second generation is going to see the start of the tribulation it COULD START AT ANY TIME! Now her friend says she's going to start attending the local kingdom hall along with her grown son and his live in girlfriend. Is there no way to stop this madness???? Never in my 59 years have I seen an organization so able to warp peoples minds away from any degree of common sense. It's as if they can say ANYTHING and people will believe it, and it just goes on and on and on. I can just head on over to my house and not listen to her nonesense anymore. I can only wonder at the degree of patience it takes to be married to someone locked into this Cult. Where you have to listen to this stuff every day in your own home from loved ones on a daily basis. I would go mad! And all the books, DVD's, magazines, ect. they just keep churning this drivel out. My sister spends almost all day reading J.W. books, and studying for the next meeting, or going out door to door spreading this cancer. When she goes to meetings or out in service, I take care of our 81yr old mother with alzheimers for her, as well as doing it 3 days a week. I'm not complaining about that. I should do it. Thing is it was our mother who originally got involved with this crap. Spent around 35 years going door to door. When she found out that she was develping Alzheimers she told me Quote: 'Son, I spent years with the Witnesses and what did it get me, NOTHING! Now I'm going to lose my mind and no Armageddon, no perfect world, just sickness and death to look forward to.' Know what people, this old boy is pissed off. I mean really pissed off. I would love to .............Can't say it. Don't actually intend to do anything, just vent my anger here on these pages. Jeez, if I could still drink without getting sick I'd pour myself a Jack Danials, or 10. As is I can only hope that enough people get fed up with the Witlesses that they get that nice cozy tax exemption taken away. Now that would be nice indeed! Enough, gonna count to ten and eat some Pizza!
Sister back from St. Louis Convention. New Light is just wonderful she says.
by outlander 23 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for sharing this experience. You are right that this is madness, no matter what the WTS says the loyal will always put faith in every word.
OUTLANDER- At least your mom admitted that she wasted her life in the witnesses. It's really sad as my JW parents 85 and 83 get near their end of life and spent almost 60 years in this life and blood sucking JW cult. Too bad your sister couldn't listen to your mom and heed the warning not to waste HER life too - but it sounds like she is pretty deeply mind controlled. So much so she forgets normal human empathy and dumps the responsibility of caring for your mom on you. Very typical JW behavior. If I had a dollar for how many times I've read your same story repeated here on this board- I'd be a millionaire and could buy the board from Simon. Hang in there friend, it's tough, have a drink and enjoy your pizza. I've got lots of JW relatives also. I'll share a drink with you . LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
When she found out that she was develping Alzheimers she told me Quote: 'Son, I spent years with the Witnesses and what did it get me, NOTHING! Now I'm going to lose my mind and no Armageddon, no perfect world, just sickness and death to look forward to.'
Something came to light in our family a few years ago. My uncle and I were talking one day about the religion. He left over 35 years ago. We were talking about grandma (his mom) and he said to me "She said to me years ago that if Armageddon wasn't here by the time she died, then it was all one big lie." You know how with some things, you've completely forgotten about it until someone mentions it years later? That's exactly what happened. I said to my uncle "Oh my god, I remember her saying something like that to me when I was about 15!"
I often wonder if she ever paused and wondered if Armageddon was actually coming or if she had just been duped. Pretty damn sad.
Just a quick Thank You for everyones responses. I'm cooled down now. Been taking care of mother for 6 days straight with no help and I think it wore me out mentally. Now it's sisters turn. If she can pull herself away from the books and videos she brought back from Zombieland. Hey Outlaw, I love your posts. Always a nice smile giver!
Never assume that believers are bound by reason or logic more than they are bound by adherence to their assumptions, when trying to have a conversation with them.
In their mind, if it's New Light, this is the direction Jehovah wants the GB to send the doctrine in - rational analyzation of the explanation offered need not occur AT ALL - all that must be done is accept and, if you're really a good believer, praise the decision.