I ask because a friend of mine (who stays in touch once in awhile) had made it clear to me about 6 mos ago that he didn't care if i was DF'd or not - that he STILL would speak to me and check up on me. Well his parents are both disabled, and his father recently died IN the house! So he sends me a text telling his father passed - and I told him I would call him. 2 days later I call, and we end up talking for awhile about 'friends' (term used loosely) I USED to associate with in his area, his father, etc. So he tells me that the memorial is at his Khall this Sat (6/12) and that he doesn't want me to feel 'awkward' about coming because HE would not act 'off' around me and he would acknowledge me IN FRONT of everyone. He said "I think in this circumstance - your being DF'd should be excluded". Now the dilemma - do I go or not? He's a good friend, and used to be pretty close. He has an older sister who is also DF'd that he keeps in contact with despite, and he is one of the few that kept in touch with me...
...on the other hand, this Khall is in the area that I used to chill in ALL the time! This cong has a lot of my old associates (when I was a JW), and this memorial will be full of people that I know - possibly including the family of my abusive ex-fiance (whom I have a PFA against).
What should I do? Do I suck it up and go to support my friend despite my 'fear' of seeing all these old acquaintances AND the family that basically f*cked up my LIFE - and still call themselves JWs????!!!!