by JEMIMAH 20 Replies latest jw friends


    The WTBS in the UK and all the relevant congregations have introduced a £10 charge for anyone wishing to see their personal files and info held under the Data Protection Act. Information includes Publisher record cards, s77 forms, Specialised sheperding lists and so on.

    I presume that this just applies to the UK.

    Does anyone know of any other countries that have started to apply charges?


  • logical

    Really? Can they do that?

  • kpax

    Q. How can I find out what information is held about me?

    A. A request for a copy of information held about you is known as a "Subject Access Request." Requests must be made to the person or organisation ("data controller") who you think processes (for example, holds discloses and/or uses) the information to which you want access. Requests must be made in writing and must be accompanied by the appropriate fee (as to which see below).

    You are entitled to be told if any personal data are held about you AND, if so:
    · to be given a description of the data;
    · to be told for what purposes the data are processed and
    · To be told the recipients or the classes of recipients to whom the data may have been disclosed.
    This information should include what sort of data are held, the purposes for which the data are processed and the type of organisation or people to whom the data may be disclosed.

    You are also entitled;
    · to be given a copy of the information with any unintelligible terms explained;
    · to be given any information available to the controller about the source of the data;
    · to be given an explanation as to how any automated decisions taken about you have been made

    Q. How much does it cost to gain access?

    A. Data controllers may charge a fee of up to £10 for responding to a subject access request.

    Unless you specifically ask to be given an explanation as to how any automated decisions about you have been made, the data controller is not obliged to provide such information. If you do specifically include a request for such information in your request then the data controller must provide it within the single £10 fee. If you do not, then the data controller is entitled to charge a separate fee of no more than £10 for the separate provision of such information. You should also be aware of the fact that data controllers may not be required to provide such information if, or to the extent that, the information amounts to a trade secret.
    Different fee structures apply to some 'accessible records' such as health, education or social services files.


  • avengers

    Hey. God's bOrganization could use an extra buck. Just goes to show how much they really care. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • Englishman

    On the up-side it does mean, under the Data protection act, that anyone can access files that the various congregaions hold on them. Presumably this explains why so much has to be sent to Mill Hill in blue envelopes.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Jem,

    Very interesting!

    Do they really intend supplying S77 details? That would be something!!

    Is that part of the reason for the new-style form with its "check box" style?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • YoYoMama

    What happened to the new elder book, Jemimah?

    I guess you're not who you say you are.

  • Simon

    The charge is allowed under the Data Protection act but isn't something that every organisation does. Interesting that they have chosen to apply the maximum charge that they can eh?

  • Mum

    It seems that you could come out ahead if you pay the 10 pounds, then sue for millions after letting your attorney in on the contents.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • LDH

    HA HAHA do you guys really think they provide legitimate records, or do you think they just provide fluff?



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