silently let gas out
If You Still "Had" To Go To Meetings What "Disrespectful" Things Might You Do?
by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends
silently let gas out
SBD's (Silent But Deadly) farts were the best when a brother was the microphone attendant. I used to pass by the elder on the aisle that I couldn't stand and make sure to let loose an SBD as I walked by to get the mic to someone commenting. On the way back up the aisle, you could tell he was smelling it....and I made sure to look at him directly and then up at others around him with that look that says "I know what he smell it."
And smile.
(yes, it was immature; no I did not ...and do
Snakes (Rich..."of the bad [former] elder " Sheep Class)
PS.......yes Jack, that was me you f*c*ing gas bag. Hope you enjoyed my contribution to your breathing.
lmao at minimus ...
Snakes (Rich )
We had an elder and wife that regularly farted at the KH and ignored it even when it was loud. Some people!
should the need ever arise for me to step foot in a kh (catagorically no reason that i can remotely imagine why that situation would ever arise)
i will do the same as when i was dragged out of mothballs against my better wishes,
1 wear what i feel comfortable in
2 sit where i want.
3 wipe my feet on the way out. (again)
should everyone else feel the need to sit on each others laps in order to squeeze in front of where i'm sitting that is their perogative and they are absolutely entitled to do so (again)
what an old fart
Kids are great at being disrespectful at just the right moment. My 7 year old said in a loud voice at the end of the public talk one Sunday,
"Thank God thats over, that was reeeaally boring". Everyone heard him.
Go to the meeting wearing jeans, hoodie, and sneakers. And I'd have a cup of coffee and a donut. I get up and go to the restroom as many times as needed. And answer every comment with "Jesus wept".