"Armageddon is Weeks Away" Phrase...Is WT pushing this phrase more recently?

by mentallyfree31 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Armageddon has already occurred .....it was just invisible to our imperfect human eyes .

    Oh you ungrateful ones ,soften your stiff necks, and look around at the beautiful 'spiritual;(invisible) paradise you are now in .

    Rejoice our invisible King is ruling in his invisible Kingdom over our invisible paradise right this very moment !

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Armageddon has already occurred .....it was just invisible to our imperfect human eyes .
    Oh you ungrateful ones ,soften your stiff necks, and look around at the beautiful 'spiritual;(invisible) paradise you are now in .
    Rejoice our invisible King is ruling in his invisible Kingdom over our invisible paradise right this very moment !

    P.S. Brothers & Sisters pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    Think About It

  • Soldier77

    I've been hearing that for years. It goes in waves, but the message and urgency has been the same for longer than I've been alive.

  • Mickey mouse
  • Dagney

    (Rant to follow)

    Lordy, they are stirring the pot with a BIG stick right now. I know it's what they have said all along, nothing new, but what gets me is the "faith" the sheeples still have in this continual cry of how "close we are."

    I was talking to a JW I just met yesterday, (she is a caretaker of the mom of my gf), and she was all excited to tell me she was discussing a new article in the WT with her other friends which was all about the terrible events during Armageddon, I guess it was. She is telling me how things are going to be "melting" all around us, and how in their discussion they talked about the details on how all this "melting" was going to happen. I think I had (accidently) my "you are crazy" look on my face, because she stopped and had a "why are you looking at me like that" look on her face. It wasn't the time to get into any discussion with the elderly mom there.

    I am constantly amazed at the excitement at which the newest alarmist catch phrase is received, and the glee for the impending destruction of the wicked billions. Glee I tell you! For some thinkers maybe, hearing it again is confirmation from HQ their meeting attendance and FS is not in vain.

    IMHO, the GB, writing and teaching committees carefully calculate their phrasing and it is meant to do just what it is doing, keeping people in fear and expectation of something thehave totally conjured up on their own. They have crafted the story and keep evolving it to fit their needs, who cares what the Bible says in context. What must perpetuate is the corporation, and the only way to do that is to keep the flock loyal with their special, direct, god-given information of the "last days."

    (Rant over) Not really.


    Pre 1975 thats all you heard..

    "Armageddon is just weeks away"..

    JW`s ran up credit cards..Sold their homes..

    It was a frigg`n Circus..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina

    Hah, hah!!! What "Troubled Mind" said!!!

    No, seriously!!! What she said!!!

    There was an author - William J. Whalen, a Catholic layperson [quit that, those of you with dirty minds!!], who wrote several well-balanced books on the various Christian sects in the early '60's. His book on the JWs was titled, "Armageddon Around the Corner", copyright 1962 - 63, if I remember correctly...

    He postulated that, when "Armageddon" DIDN'T come in 1975 [which tells you how much 'lead time' the WTBTS was using for the 1975 date...], that the Gov.Bod would announce that "Armageddon" came "invisibly", and that all we little JWs were now living in a spiritual "paradise"...

    I was really amazed that the WTBTS didn't follow his excellent advice... Which speaks volumes as to the intelligence [or lack thereof...] and PR savvy [NOT!] that the Gov.Bod had... And still has...

    I still wonder when they'll wake up and acknowledge that a 'spiritual' paradise would be a much better "out" than: "Uh, wait a minute, it didn't come in 1914?? How about 1925?? Didn't come yet?? How about 1940?? Still no sign of it?? How about 1975 - yeah, THAT'S the ticket!!! Uh, wait - it STILL didn't come??? How about 1990??? Uh.... How about 2000????..."

    And on, and on, and on, ad naseum...

  • mkr32208

    They are wrong, armageddon came invisibly in 1975...

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