Hah, hah!!! What "Troubled Mind" said!!!
No, seriously!!! What she said!!!
There was an author - William J. Whalen, a Catholic layperson [quit that, those of you with dirty minds!!], who wrote several well-balanced books on the various Christian sects in the early '60's. His book on the JWs was titled, "Armageddon Around the Corner", copyright 1962 - 63, if I remember correctly...
He postulated that, when "Armageddon" DIDN'T come in 1975 [which tells you how much 'lead time' the WTBTS was using for the 1975 date...], that the Gov.Bod would announce that "Armageddon" came "invisibly", and that all we little JWs were now living in a spiritual "paradise"...
I was really amazed that the WTBTS didn't follow his excellent advice... Which speaks volumes as to the intelligence [or lack thereof...] and PR savvy [NOT!] that the Gov.Bod had... And still has...
I still wonder when they'll wake up and acknowledge that a 'spiritual' paradise would be a much better "out" than: "Uh, wait a minute, it didn't come in 1914?? How about 1925?? Didn't come yet?? How about 1940?? Still no sign of it?? How about 1975 - yeah, THAT'S the ticket!!! Uh, wait - it STILL didn't come??? How about 1990??? Uh.... How about 2000????..."
And on, and on, and on, ad naseum...