shecky, Im hurt....
Dear Dr. Laura Schlesinger (& Jay Dubs)
by BritBoy 24 Replies latest jw friends
Check out this thread, "Why can't we own Canadians?"
It got pretty funny :o)
Failing is not falling, it is staying down and not picking yourself back up!
I couldn't stop laughing for ages after reading this...good one Britboy!
"I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.
I wouldnt make you happy?
Sky -
silly girl. of course you would! :D
but seeing those tears fall! the groveling! the squirming! the begging for forgiveness! watching a grown mans lips quiver as he kneels begging the almighty to forgive. oh, the ecstacy, the pure unadulterated bliss!
YOu had me scared shecky.. the tears were welling up...
Elizabeth Hurley and Angelina Jolie?
I can think of better... Like Me and Xena! hehehe
Sky -
why listen to laura when u have this
nytel.. such a good point.. he is amazing.. all the naked chix on his programm all the time..
"I actually used to be a fan of Dr. Laura's years ago, before her conversion to conservative judaism. I liked her stance on putting the welfare of children FIRST before the needs of self-indulgent adults. However, now, I find her rantings to be downright bizarre."
I concur. Used to listen to her show quite often in Seattle in the early 90's - followed by Tom Leykus - what a contrast! Soon after Laura was booted to AM Radio.
Regardless of her less than perfect backround - does anyone think based on her support of children's interest - she should be made aware of when the Silent Lambs Dateline show will be aired? She might be inclined to give it a good plug....just a thought.
Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
- Mark Twain