[From Beks...]: "I love your pride Zid..."
Pride, schmide... Idiot husband and I were at a campsite; some construction worker/squatter was hanging out at the picnic table but wasn't camping there... Drinking his coffee, or something...
As we were unpacking and setting up our tent and stuff, I noticed that he'd drawn out some knife - not a Bowie, but a 6" - 8" blade... He was running it along the edge of the [WOODEN!!] table, and grinning evilly at me... Like he was sharpening it with me in mind...
Idiot husband was TOTALLY ignoring all of this... [I think that his tendency to ignore - or deny - unpleasant situations, causes a sort of 'blindness' wherein he truly cannot see such situations arising...]
First thought thru my head was "GreenHorn"!!! I told him [the construction worker creep] that he'd have better luck sharpening that thing on something like sandstone, or the bottom of a ceramic cup... He flips his cup over and continues sharpening, still grinning at me...
I take another look at him, pull my hatchet from the car, get our big whetstone out, and start sharpening my hatchet within 7 feet of him, grinning back at him in the same fashion...
He turns white as a sheet, packs up and leaves within 5 minutes...
I hate bullies!!! But I LOVE calling their yellow-bellied, chicken-livered bluffs...