Onemore at today's DC program.....
DC Day 1
by onemore 12 Replies latest jw friends
And that's just the elders and their families.
Scarred for life
During the last five years, I would usually sit in for the morning session and pretend to listen. After the mid-morning song I would get up for half hour or so and come back a few mins before lunch. In the afternoon session, I would sit for one or two talks...then it was to the corridors to go walking and talking with other jws. I would come back to my seat about 15 mins before the concluding song.
It would have been nice to have a table in front to rest your head on. You can't get good sleep when you're leaning on your propped up arm, and keep sliding off the armrest.
Leaving WT, that looks like my brother falling asleep in your pic. Glad to see he enjoys "spiritual things" as much as I do LOL...
Pandoras cat11
This is too funny!! The one guy couldn't have been a good witness because he had a beard!!! HAHAHA---I am kidding about that.
The Scotsman
I had a great sleep during a drama once - missed the whole thing - the applause at the end woke me up - I immediately starting clapping as well of course.
I also used to get that awful nodding head syndrome - you know when you are trying to stay awake but the mind is trying to put you to sleep. Loads of folks at the meetings/assemblies did the same.