this might help you decide....
confused which is the right religion?
by besty 17 Replies latest jw friends
Love it
Wow! I had no idea it was so easy to categorize the faiths of the world. My decision is so much easier, thanks!
Giggled at the 'do you own a black cat?' lololol
Loz x
It's more convenient than Belief-o-Matic and the accuracy is better: the flow-chart identifies me as "boring, generic Christian, while the BoM thinks I'm Hindu (probably because they leave out the BACON question).
My Belief-o-Matic top three: Hinduism at 100% (? !), followed by a dead tie between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism (no surprise) at 93%. Jehovah's Witnesses were a distant #20, at 43%.
I liked the question "How Do You Feel About Bacon?" and the answer "I F*ing LOVE Bacon!"
So if I'm an atheist can I still F*ing LOVE Bacon? ('cause I do)
not a captive
I printed this--much simple than reading "Mankind's Search for God".
Questions took me down to JW.
No joke.
That would make an awesome T shirt.
Yeah, that's pretty funny. I love how some of it comes down to certain foods lol.