just sacrificed a vigin in your behalf.....old school style
Support request
by JeffT 18 Replies latest jw friends
Darth plaugeis
oh you said sacrificial chickens......my bad
I wish you the very best, Jeff.
Good luck! The publishing process is a pain; I'm learning ;)
Sexual favors? No problem!
Broken Promises
Best wishes from me.
Good thoughts and best wishes.
Start another book while you're waiting - if you're feeling up to it. The time will fly.
Cagefighter, yes it is done. 90,000 words, 457 pages double spaced in Word 12 pt font.
Tammy, actually I have something else done (alternate history), I'm going to start looking for an agent tomorrow (this one was sent directly to the publisher, but I'd rather have an agent). I have a historical novel almost done.
A note: "Armageddon's" first draft was finished several years ago. I've been tweaking it and submitting to agents, with no success although several thought it sounded interesting. So I was working on a major rewrite when Comfort publishing accepted something from a guy in one of my writer's groups. So I'm taking a shot at it here.
You could look into publishing your book yourself. With computers and the internet, you don't have to jump through hoops to be accepted by a publisher, just as music artists no longer need record labels to produce, package and distribute their music.
Here's a great place to get started: http://www.lulu.com/
Check-out the Lulu Demo video for a review of how it works.