Are they going to kick you out of the congo if you don't get baptised?What is going to happen?
What happens if you are unbaptised publisher for many years?
by XPeterX 29 Replies latest jw friends
It depends. I believe that they will try real hard to encourage you to get you baptized. If that don't work... well, I don't think that they will consider you 'worthy'.
Of course, that was years ago when they had the '6 month' study in the 'truth' book. Things may have changed a bit since then.
Jim TX
Nothing that I ever saw... You were just considered weak. Maybe marked as bad association.
Yep, go to see an R rated movie, be unrepentant about not following the 'recomendations' of the slave class and get DF'd. Don't do the one thing that is supposed to be the most important aspect of being a 'christain'/JW and oh well he's just weak.
Juan Viejo2
I don't think there is anything "official" on this specific issue. However, let's describe someone, let's say a grown child of JWs, has been attending for years and participating in field service. Let's say that person - who was active, turned in hours, maybe even participated in more advanced ways at the Kingdom Hall - "grows up" and decides to not be baptized, simply fades away, or wants to leave. How should other JWs relate to that person?
According to my "insider" elder, that person would be treated as "disassociated." If that person, even though not baptized, was accused of pornea, they would be treated as "disfellowshipped." It would be up to the Presiding Overseer as to whether or not a formal announcement should be made at the Kingdom Hall, but most likely it would be announced less formally by word of mouth if the person had not been associated with the Kingdom Hall for very long - let's say less than a year.
He quoted this from the "Organized" book (pp. 157-158):
What of unbaptized publishers who become involved in
serious wrongdoing? Since they are not baptized members of the
congregation, they cannot be formally disfellowshipped. However,
they may not fully understand the Bible’s standards, and kind
counsel may help them to make straight paths for their feet.If an unbaptized wrongdoer is unrepentant after two elders
have met with him and have tried to help him, then it is necessary
to inform the congregation. A brief announcement is made, stating:
"[Name of person] is no longer recognized as an unbaptized
publisher." The congregation will then view the wrongdoer as a
person of the world. Although the offender is not disfellowshipped,
Christians exercise caution with regard to any association with
him. (1 Cor. 15:33) No field service reports would be accepted
from him.In time, an unbaptized person (adult or minor) who was
removed as a publisher may wish to renew his association with the
congregation and become a publisher again. In that situation, two
elders would meet with him and ascertain his spiritual progress. If
he has a good attitude, a Bible study may be held with him. If he
progresses spiritually and eventually qualifies, a brief
announcement can be made, stating: "[Name of person] is again
recognized as an unbaptized publisher." -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
An unbaptized publisher is like a fish that is just nibbling the bait. They're going to use any lure to try to get you to bite. Then once they have you, they reel you in, gut you, fry you, and eat you.
I'm just sure that's in the Botchtower somewhere...