Hello everyone,
Just found this on the web
:-[Letterhead from the Legal Department at Patterson] December 5, 2001
Dear Brother *******:
Thank you for removing Watch Tower's copyrighted material from your Web site in response to our letter dated October 19, 2001. We note, however, that you now make this material available to individuals who make requests by electronic mail. Please note the following statement in our previous letter: "Copyright infringement occurs when one copies and distributes (italics added) copyrighted material without the copyright holder's permission." Thus, the sending of this material by electronic means is not permissable. Therefore, we ask that you cease this practice.
Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love and greetings.
Rather strange attitude, from those who publicly state to " …proclaim God's Word "
I couldn't fail to notice about "…warm Christian love..",
but of course it is o n l y for
those who accept , without discussions or critical
comments, the whole variety of teachings,
doctrines and rules from the WTBS.
Greetings, to you all,