Jesus does NOT want anyoen to submit to Him or Our Father out of fear, out of pain, out of anger or just in case, but out of Love.
If you can't beleive that Jesus and God are Love, then the very structure that is paramount for being a Christian is on a weak foundation.
Being a Christian has nothing to do with Judaisim, Islam or any other faith, but it has ALL to do with love, compassion, forgivenss and redemption.
Were there many horrific things written in the OT?
yes, those were the times they lived in and those were the thinsg they believed and I truly think many believed that it was God's will to do those things, simply because they didn't knwo any better, no matter how much God tried to make the understand the was NOT the way.
If the OT scribes and the Old Covenant had worked there would have been no need for Jesus and the New Covenant.
If you believe that God is a God of love then the scriptures will hold a new meaning for you and much wil be revealed.
Never forget that the bible, both OT and NT, is not just ONE thing, it is many things:
A book of history, the good, bad and ugly that goes with it.
A book of theology, of prophecy, of hope, despair, of pain and joy, a book of love and a book of hate, a book that was written by those that believed they were inspired by God to write what they saw and believed, a book of letters from religious letters to their followers, a book with the biographies, 4of them actually, of the Son of God.
Of course you don't have to believe it is ALL those things, or even ANY of those things, but you also don't have to believe that itis ONLY ONE thing and nothing else.