One of the constant themes of the literature and of the well meaning witnesses who regurgitate it to those that have left or are in the process of leaving is this:
You are filled with pride. You think you know better than Jehovah's organization. You need to wait on Jehovah. Jehovah hates pride. Therefore he hates you. You need to humble yourself.
I came to a realization recently. What is more prideful? To believe that you have the one single truth, the one single religion that god approves, and that everyone else is wrong (and going to die!) -or- to admit that something you believed in, advocated, preached to others about, gave talks on, shared experiences with other witnesses about: WAS WRONG. You were duped.
A close friend tried this line on me how I was being prideful and I asked him if he realized how humbling it was to accept that I wasted 10 years of my life believing something that wasn't true and to walk away. I guess it is all about perception. He actually seemed like he understood what I was saying.