There have already been several threads started about this particular issue. Quite a bit of stuff to reflect on, especially the articles elevating the elders and GB...
But here's another gem..not as significant, but still interesting. I grew up as a JW and it was verboten to say "bless you" or "gesundheit" after someone sneezes. Now over time it seems that some of these little nitpicky things that my generation grew up with - "bless you", wind chimes, glass clinking, etc. had once again become fairly common among the newer and younger dubs.
However, along comes the GB to 'remind' the brothers the innappropriateness of post sneezing comments, albeit imbedded in the very first paragraph criticizing other religions and politicans for their style of blessings.
Watchtower Sept 15, 2010
Earnestly Seek Jehovah's Blessing
"God bless you!" In some lands, it is not uncommon to hear complete strangers say this when a person sneezes. The clergy of various religions can be found blessing people, animnals and inanimate objects. Travelers may be lured to some religious sites by the prospect of receiving a blessing. Politicians regularly invoke God's blessing on their nation. Do you think that such requests for blessings are appropriate? Are the effective? Who really does recieve God's blessing, and why?