Had Adam not sinned could he have had perfect children with Eve though she would eventually die???? Wasn’t Jesus perfect per the WTS although the product of a perfect father and an imperfect mother? If Adam and sinned and not Eve, could she have had perfect children with Adam per the WTS?
Great catch; if Jesus could be perfect, then Adam and Eve's children would have too.
1. The WT is OBSESSED with sex. They are so unbelievably afraid of sexuality that they continue to use the words DANGER in this article.
And porn does not pop up unbidden on computers; just does not happen. Computer users know this; why would they put this into an article when most who use the net know it is bogus??
It just boggles my mind that even witnesses can't get this concept: If a man and wife can HAVE sex, how is it DANGEROUS to watch someone having sex? Is it because watching it intensifies the desire for sex? Why not talk about that, dealing with how one satisfies the NORMAL human desire for sex?
That seems like a more rational discussion; if you have unprotected sex, you face life changing consequences. If you have sex with another witness, they likely will tell the elders.
And the old chestnut about the angels having sex with humans.
HUMANS CRAVE SEX BECAUSE OF HORMONES. That's it. Are the writers of the WT unable to see an OT device for explaining giantism in ancient culture?
Are they really suggesting that spirit creatures, NO HORMONES, wanted to engage in a reproductive act with a different being because they thought they looked hot??
The 3rd grade level of thinking in the WT continues to astonish.
2. Why is the WT reading books on MARKETING AND BRANDING??
3. Why does the WT continue to use, but not cite, right wing religious material?
From the website that cites the MacLean article, Lifesitenews, their about page:
The service was originally started by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), a Canadian national pro-life organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Campaign Life Coalition, founded in 1978, was one of the first pro-life organizations to emphasize the international dimension of attacks on life and family. Along with a few other groups it pioneered pro-life lobbying at United Nations conferences. CLC president, Jim Hughes, is currently also vice-president of the International Right to Life Federation.