Walter, you ain't old. I think we are the same age. We just aren't kiddos anymore.
Who is the ass that said...
by Finally-Free 17 Replies latest jw friends
Creaky old lawnmowers are the best...over the years I've had much succssess with used beat up, hand me down lawn equipment....
I did pave almost half my backyard and been thinking to put sand then gravel the rest around the fruit trees as mulch.
Hmmmm, fruit trees. I'm liking that idea.
And I have a human powered mower.
I used to have one but I divorced her. Seriously though, I bought the Lawnboy because of the powered wheels. It made mowing the large lot with bad knees and bad back a lot easier. I'm in a smaller place now so maybe a push mower is the way to go. This lot is much more level than the last one too.
Walter, you ain't old. I think we are the same age. We just aren't kiddos anymore.
Yes, I think we're about the same age. Do you like pushing lawnmowers???
Creaky old lawnmowers are the best...over the years I've had much succssess with used beat up, hand me down lawn equipment....
I think I'll be hitting the garage sales soon, because I think this applies to a lot of things. I've had a lot of expensive, "state of the art" stuff breaking down lately.
I like my new Troy Bilt riding lawn mower. It mows like a dream.
Lawnboy, Maytag...all top of the line. Another one, Mercedes Benz consistently gets the worst ratings for reliability. By the way, I see that Ford now beats Toyota in quality and reliability ratings.
It was probably the Maytag repairman "old lonley" who said " You get what you pay for" but P.T.Barnum of Barnum and Bailey Circus said "thers a sucker born every minute"
It may be time to bring in one of the other sheep to take care of your lawn !
John Doe
Some considerations--the ethanol lobby has been hard at work the last few years. Most fuel now contains 10% ethanol. Why is this important? Bear with me. Ethanol is a form of alcohol, and it is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water.
What does this mean for the fuel sitting in your mower that you never use? Well, all air has a humidity level, which is, yes, you guessed it, moisture in the air. The alcohol in modern fuel absorbs the humidity from the air and will sour in no time. It will foul up any lawn mower that is left sitting with unused fuel in it for more than a month. Alcohol is also hard on some fuel lines, degrading them and causing them to leak in short order.
So, that mower you had with 5 year old fuel in it very possibly had better fuel in it than your newer mower. Bad fuel wrecks any engine, and you can't blame the machine for your lack of maintenance.
So, that mower you had with 5 year old fuel in it very possibly had better fuel in it than your newer mower. Bad fuel wrecks any engine, and you can't blame the machine for your lack of maintenance.
I neglected to mention they both used the same 5 year old gas from the same sealed gas container, which has worked without a problem in the Lawnboy up until now. The gas, while old, also works well in my power wash machine which has a Honda engine and is the same age as the Lawnboy. Works fine in my Echo trimmer too, also bought around the same time. Anyway, I used up the last of it yesterday so next time they all get new gas. I'll just buy less of it this time.
By the way, I see that Ford now beats Toyota in quality and reliability ratings.
I have to admit I love my F150.
It may be time to bring in one of the other sheep to take care of your lawn !
I can think of a few elders I'd love to see on their hands and knees gnawing on my lawn while I'm having a beer and BBQ.
I like my new Troy Bilt riding lawn mower.
I haven't seen that brand, or maybe I just wasn't looking. The Lawnboy was pretty eye catching compared to the other machines they had. Yes, I got sucked in by it's smooth, sexy lines.