The Jehovahs Witness family weekend

by jambon1 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • sooner7nc

    "Having been out of the organisation for over 4 years and having finally released my kids from the hellish existence that is life as a JW, it struck me today how enjoyable our weekends are in comparison to when we were JW's.

    Jehovah's Witnesses deprive children of a proper childhood in my opinion. It's criminal."

    If everyone experienced this “hellish existence” as one of Jehovah's Witnesses there wouldn't be any. I was raised as a Witnesses and had I actually did what my parents asked, I'd be a much better adult. I took a wrong turn at the age of 15 moving in with my disfellowshipped mother. I could see through these damning expressions (hellish, criminal) and they didn't mean a thing to me after five seconds of thinking. It's interesting to see that if something “isn't for me” some people feel the need to ruin what isn't for them for everyone else. Good luck with that.

    Alice Rachel, why don't you kiss our collective F****** asses?

  • yknot


    How about this for a weekend idea

    Go to the KH tomorrow!

    Until then your wannabe JW schtick is perplexing.

    What do you really gain from it?

    Why not prove your dedication and work your territory?

    I sincerely want you to be happy and clearly you want to identify yourself as a JW so why not return to the fold?

    Take the blue pill with a large glass of koolaid, forget all about this forum........

    You wil be happier and satisfied spiritually.


    "Alice Rachel, why don't you kiss our collective F****** asses?"

    There's no need to say such things.


    " "Alice Rachel, why don't you kiss our collective F****** asses?"

    If that's the way you people feel I'll just leave.

  • sooner7nc

    Alice Rachel, do you have a natural affinity for pathetic-ness or do you have to work at it? I ask you this simple question in hopes of getting an answer because although you never answer anyones question on this forum, I have the hope that this easy question may get through the apparent fog of your conscienceness. Actually, on second thought, don't bother answering. You are so transparent in your pleadings for attention, that you cause the tapioca to rise in my gullet.

    On second thought one more question. Have they rebuilt the Galveston fishing pier from the Hurricane Ike damage? If they have go for a swim off the end.

  • sooner7nc

    Bye then and don't let the door hit'cha in your big fat ass on the way out.

  • yknot

    better yet....

    Admit you are lonely.

    You have reasons for not being in attendance.

    Start contributing to threads instead of detracting from them.

    Post threads that aren't just so you cry 'persecution'

    Be real Rachel....

    If not, yea we are tired of you schtick enjoy your insanity but take it back to the chronicle forum.

    If you do come back .....



    "Alice Rachel, do you have a natural affinity for pathetic-ness or do you have to work at it? I ask you this simple question in hopes of getting an answer because although you never answer anyones question on this forum, I have the hope that this easy question may get through the apparent fog of your conscienceness. Actually, on second thought, don't bother answering. You are so transparent in your pleadings for attention, that you cause the tapioca to rise in my gullet.

    On second thought one more question. Have they rebuilt the Galveston fishing pier from the Hurricane Ike damage? If they have go for a swim off the end."

    I've already stated that when I came here I simply wanted to engage in open debate and challenge different issues, not delve into personal issues. People here seem to want to personalize things so I said some things about myself. And no, I could care less about “getting attention.” I don't need anymore than I currently have. None of your inflammatory hate speech means anything to me. I only get that kind of stuff >here< where it is said that it's “criminal” if I were to raise my daughter as a Witness.

  • mrsjones5

    ALice, why are you on this topic? Are you married? Do you have children? I thought this topic was about doing fun stuff with a spouse and/or kids on the weekends without the guilt inflicted by the bOrg. I'm at a loss as to why you're still on this topic.

  • yknot

    So much for not coming back.....

    Raise your daughter as a JW Rachel......

    You should start by taking her to the KH tomorrow!

    Talk to the Elders about reactivating yourself too.

    IF NOT.....Just stop the phoney apologist crap since you are not attending and show no signs of attending in the near future. for the rest....

    We are a people forum, we like people..... if you aren't a people person you should move on to a pasture where you can add productive discussions because so far you haven't really added anything of value to this discussion board.

    Don't get me wrong Rachel, we want you to stay if you can associate in an acceptable social manner...... contributing instead of detracting.

    If not, well I am sorry it hasn't worked out.......Godspeed to a forum more your personality.

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